Tag Archives: HM Movies and Mysteries Reviews

Cedar Cove – The Series – 2

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What are your thoughts about Grace and Cliff?

Grace is Olivia’s best friend. They’ve been friends since grade school. Grace has just gone through a painful divorce. In Debbie Macomber’s Cedar Cove volume 1, Volume 2, and Volume 3 novels, Grace’s backstory was much darker. In the books, her husband had committed suicide. I believe since Hallmark stories are light and uplifting, they felt the need to change Grace’s background.

I had mixed feelings about Grace. In both the book and the TV series, Grace is close to her daughter, Mary Ellen. I thought she was a good mom. She worried about her daughter. Grace was especially concerned when her daughter was dating John Bowman. (The romance between John and Mary Ellen will be covered in another blog post.)

Hold on a second. Do you like to read wholesome romances that remind of you Hallmark movies? Hallmark movie viewers love The Bakery Romance Series and The Candy Beach Series. Download today! Tell your friends about my books! Now, back to Cedar Cove!

I disliked the way Grace treated Cliff. Cliff owns a ranch. He raises horses. Cliff is attracted to Grace, but he’s a bit shy. It takes him awhile to finally start dating Grace. He’s had his share of romantic hardships, so he’s leery about loving Grace.

Cliff is a nice guy. But, Grace is just so….flighty! Grace had a crush on Olivia’s brother, Will, a long time ago. When Will surprisingly shows up in Cedar Cove, Grace loses her mind! She spends time with Will and Will kisses her! Will even lies to Grace and states he’s getting a divorce.

When Grace finds out about Will’s lies…well…she’s just ashamed of herself. She finally notices that Cliff is a great catch, but, Cliff is upset about Grace’s romance with Will.


If you were Cliff, would you have given Grace a second chance?

If I were Cliff, there’s no way I’d give Grace a second chance. She had her chance and she blew it. Grace is also jealous of Alex, Cliff’s newly hired, gorgeous female rancher. (I will talk about Alex more in another blog post).

Although Alex’s presence did cause some disharmony between Cliff and Grace, I still think Grace was mostly at fault for the problems they had in their relationship.

So what are your thoughts about Grace and Cliff? Do you think they are a strong, solid couple?

Cedar Cove – The Series – 1

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Do you enjoy stories about small towns?

I love stories about small towns! Cedar Cove is a Hallmark Channel series. It went off the air years ago. I recently watched it, for the second time, via Amazon Prime. This TV show is based upon the characters in Debbie Macomber’s Cedar Cove volume 1, Volume 2, and Volume 3.

I love beaches and there’s just something so nice, quaint, and romantic about a town that’s on a beach (or in this case, a cove).

I read some of the Cedar Cove books several years ago. So when I make comparisons to the books, the details will be somewhat sketchy.

I enjoyed this series more than the Hallmark Channel romance movies. I think the reason why I enjoyed it is because, it reminded me of a sanitized version of the soap operas that I used to watch. Years ago, I blogged about the following topic: Should Christians Watch Soap Operas?

Although Cedar Cove doesn’t have religious overtones, it reminded me of a soap opera that was cleaner than the ones shown on daytime TV.

I loved the setting. If you’ve read some of my books, you’ll know that I’m a fan of beaches! There’s just something so nice, holy, and…well…beautiful about a sandy shore and water. Cedar Cove is set right on the beach and the residents have to take a ferry into Seattle whenever they want to leave town. I loved seeing folks eating at Moon’s or seeing the characters dine where they had a nice view of the water. Cedar Cove is the perfect setting for romance!

The characters really resounded with me.

There’s Olivia Lockhart. She’s a judge. I thought it was a really cute and inspiring idea to have a woman to be a judge in this small town. She’s strong, respected, and intelligent. Almost everyone loves Olivia Lockhart. No, she’s not perfect, but, she’s honest, trustworthy, and tries to live her life the best that she can. She’s had her share of pain. She’s divorced and she lost her son (Jordan) years ago. She still misses her son and she’s close to her daughter, Justine (Jordan’s twin sister).

I felt that Olivia’s character in the series closely mimicked the character in the books.

Olivia’s attraction to Jack was refreshing and realistic. These two are total opposites. Jack is a news reporter for the Cedar Cove newspaper. He’s a recovering alcoholic. He’s hesitant about acting on his attraction to Olivia because this is the first time he’s dated someone as a sober man. He goes to AA meetings and has a sponsor who helps him out during his rough times. I think Jack likes Olivia so much because she’s nice, sweet, and sympathetic towards others. She’s a gem of a woman and Jack realizes he’s picked a winner.

That’s why their romance gives him cold feet. Jack has lots of trials during this 3-season series. He falls off the wagon and is approached by his ex-wife about a news reporting opportunity in Seattle. Jack struggles with his pain as he tries to reconcile with his son, Eric, whom he hasn’t seen in a long time.

Alcoholism is a subject that I explore in my own writing. It’s a problem that has been in my family for years, and it touches me to see someone struggling with addiction. I believe this is one reason why I was so drawn to Jack’s character.

There’s so much I want to say about this series that I have to break it up into several blog posts. This will be the first post of many.

So, do you like stories about small towns? If so, have you watched Cedar Cove? Which of these characters did you like best: Jack or Olivia?

A Time To Dance

This is a book review for the novel from which the Hallmark Movie, A Time To Dance, was based. The book and movie are very similar. Have you read A Time To Dance? If so, let me know how it compares to the Hallmark Movie!

A Time To Dance by Karen Kingsbury
Mass Market Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (March 11, 2008) – (I believe this is the re-released version)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1595546200
ISBN-13: 978-1595546203

From Amazon.com:
Product Description

They celebrated their love with a dance. But will it end in divorce?

John and Abby Reynolds were the perfect couple, sharing a love born of childhood friendship and deep family ties. They are envied by their friends, cherished by their children, admired by their peers. But John and Abbey are about to lose it all. On the verge of having an affair, John is no more the man Abby married than she is the long-ago girl of his dreams. They are strangers whose days of dancing seem gone forever.

They gather their three children to announce their plans, but before they can speak, their daughter makes an announcement of her own; she’s getting married in the summer.

Abby and John determine not to ruin their daughter’s season of happiness, but as the wedding nears they are haunted by questions. Is the decision they’ve made irreversible? Are there times when marriage–even the marriage between two people of faith–is truly beyond repair? And is it possible, alone in the moonlight on an old wooden pier, to once more find…a time to dance?

Discover the resiliency of boundless love, the power of commitment, and the amazing faithfulness of God in A Time to Dance.
Although I enjoyed this book, I liked Kingsbury’s A Moment Of Weakness and When Joy Came To Stay better.
John and Abby Reynolds have a perfect, storybook marriage. They have three kids and both of them are believers in Christ. However, when life gets in the way, and they start spending time apart, too weary to make time for each other, they start having marital problems. John’s coworker, Charlene, is anxious to start a relationship with him. John tries his best to resist, but when Abby spends more time holed up in her office writing, corresponding with her editor online, he feels that their relationship has taken a turn for the worse. John pacifies Charlene, stating that he and Abby will be getting a divorce, making the announcement after their daughter’s marriage. Charlene’s behavior was very irritating throughout the story, and I felt John should have made more of an effort to resist Charlene, especially when she’s bold enough to call his house!
Abby also makes matters worse when she entertains the idea of starting a relationship with her editor. She feels threatened by John’s feelings for Charlene, however, she is guilty of accusing John of things he’s never done.
The story gives lots of flashbacks with backstory as to how John and Charlene met, and when they fell in love. A Moment Of Weakness is a great example of how a couple can overcome problems as long as they trust in the Lord and honor Him.
~Cecelia Dowdy~

Have you read A Time To Dance? If so, let me know how it compares to the Hallmark Movie!

The Beach House

Have you ever been estranged from your parent(s)? What did you do about it?

This is a review of the book, The Beach House by Mary Alice Monroe. The Hallmark Channel Movies and Mysteries Channel (Hall of Fame) featured The Beach House as a movie which was based on the book. I’ve seen the movie, but, it was a long time ago. I recently read the book, and loved it! So, when I can, I will compare the book to the movie based on memory.

Disclaimer – SPOILER ALERT! If you’re a book reader then just letting you know I’m going to give spoilers in my review. This book review is in the same format as my Hallmark Movie reviews. I’m talking freely about the book as if folks have already read it and have seen the HM Movie!

When Caretta/Cara gets fired from her job, she returns to the beach house where her mom currently lives. She’s estranged from her mother and since she’s upset about being unemployed, she decides to seek rest and relaxation at the beach house. The beach house is where Caretta fondly spent many of her childhood summers.

Cara’s mom, Olivia (Lovie) is dying from cancer. Looks like she only has one more summer to live. She has a companion, Toy, a pregnant, homeless teenaged girl. Toy is wrestling with emotional drama of her own – she’s still in love with her baby’s father – a loser named Darryl.

Cara and her mom work through their issues during this bittersweet summer. Cara learns about herself. She becomes acquainted with Brett, a boy from high school, who has always been fancied with her. Brett is too good to be true as he cares for Caretta and her mom. He’s a wildlife expert who runs a tour boat on the beach.

Brett knows SO MUCH about wildlife and he can cook, too! He catches fresh seafood from the ocean and grills it over an open fire. Delicious. The attraction between Cara and Brett is strong. Cara doesn’t know what to do with such strong emotions . Cara wants to be in control of everything – she’s out of her element here at the beach house since she’s no longer part of corporate America.

This was such a strong, emotional story. It’s a book about fixing family relationships – relationships that have been broken for a long time. Not only is Cara estranged from her mom, she’s also estranged from her brother and her deceased father.

Lovie had deep faith in God. She goes to church regularly and reads her Bible. This was a gentle book and although it is secular, I could see this book easily being re-written as an inspirational. I say this because I write inspirationals and I’ve read countless inspirational novels. Lovie even recites the following scripture not long before her death:

This family had so many things wrong, so many problems. Lovie finds solace living her beach house – which she refuses to leave now that she’s ill. She wants to spend her last days at the beach house and she wants to nurture her turtles.

I loved the turtles! I learned so much about loggerheads and about how they lay eggs on the beach. Lovie is mesmerized by these creatures and she even moves turtle nests when they are in danger. She’s part of a group of ladies called The Turtle Team. The Turtle Team scour the beach each morning for nests. The nests are tracked and monitored. I loved reading about the turtles hatching from their eggs.

I recommend The Beach House to all who enjoy strong emotional stories. Show Mary Alice Monroe some love and purchase this wonderful story! I guarantee you will love it! You should also watch the Hallmark Movie, too! Most of the elements that I’ve mentioned in this blog post were covered in the Hallmark Movie. I recall that this movie was more serious than most Hallmark Movies.


So have you ever been estranged from your parent(s)? If so, what did you do to rectify it?


Sense, Sensibility and Snowmen

Have you ever ran a business with a family member?

Ella and Marianne Dashwood clash when it comes to their family party planning business. Ella wants to take their business to new heights and start planning some large-scale parties. But, Marianne is more cautious. She wants to leave the business as is – they seem to have all the business that they can handle at the moment.

However, when Ella makes a major mistake at one of their events, Marianne gets angry. Ella wants to get back into her sister’s good graces, so, she’s snags an event with Ferris Wheel Toys. Hopefully, her sister will forgive her when she announces their new, high-profile client.

Edward, the man who’s taken over Ferris Wheel Toys (his dad was formerly in charge) has decided to throw an impromptu Christmas party in order to impress some potential clients.

I thought the relationship between the sisters was very realistic. I could understand why one sister would want to run the business one way and then the other sister would disagree.

I enjoyed watching the romance unfold between Ella and Edward. Edward is somewhat of a Scrooge, just a little bit, and Ella tries to make him see how Christmas can be enjoyable.

This movie is loosely based upon the Jane Austen book Sense and Sensibility. I went to Wikipedia to read the book summary (since I’ve never read that book.) Other than the names of the characters, and the attraction between Ella and Edward, I saw few similarities between the book and the movie.

My favorite scene was when Edward gifts Ella with a Ferris Wheel Bear. Having the bear is nostalgic for her and I loved how Edward paid attention to what Ella would like for Christmas.

I also loved the Christmas scenery. It was a major feat, Edward having the party at his house. The party looked so beautiful and so perfect – that is, until Ella mistakenly thought that Edward was dating his high school sweetheart. You ever notice how often that happens in a Hallmark movie? There’s a simple misunderstanding near the end which can easily be cleared up with a five-minute conversation.

There’s just something about Christmas that touches the heart and makes you smile. I suppose I may feel this way because my family never celebrated Christmas – so I enjoy seeing the Christmas lights, decorations and snow!

So, have you ever ran a business with a family member? If so, were you able to sort through your differences?


Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane

Have you ever had to sell your parent(s) home? Was it hard to let go?

Emma returns to her childhood home to spend one last Christmas with her siblings. They plan to sell the home after Christmas. It’s especially hard for Emma to be home since her parents’ recent passing. The movie shows Emma reminiscing about Christmases in the past – spent with her mom.

I was surprised to see the letters hidden in the secret compartment of her mom’s desk. I was also surprised as to why her mom had been saving those old letters. Since her mom ended up marrying somebody other else – Emma’s dad – who is NOT the author of the letters – I was a bit floored as to why she kept them.

The man who wrote the letters stays in town after Emma’s mom had broken the engagement. Her mom wanted to marry someone else. However, the author of the letters stays in town and marries another woman in town – which is revealed near the end. I found the explanation of Emma’s mom saving the letters to be implausible.

I enjoyed the chemistry between Emma and Morgan. Morgan is hired to go through the house and appraise its’ valuables, including the desk with the secret compartment. Morgan also assists Emma with the mystery of finding the identity of the man who wrote the letters to Emma’s mom.

Of course, it’s a Hallmark movie and you must always have conflict! Emma is a lawyer and she’s recently broken up with her ex-boyfriend. However, he shows up at her family’s home at Christmas – determined to win her back and proposes to her!

Wasn’t it comical when the engagement ring got stuck on her finger?

Her ex had some nerve, especially since he forced the ring onto her finger when Emma didn’t even say yes!

Morgan seemed like a kind and patient man. He was a nice reprieve from Emma’s awful ex-boyfriend.

Didn’t it get on your nerves when her ex-boyfriend made gluten-free pancakes and then wrongly states that gluten-free pancakes are Emma’s favorite? I felt like he was FORCING his likes/dislikes onto poor Emma! No wonder she broke up with him.

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Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane is based upon the book by Mary McDonough! Come show Mary McDonough some love and purchase her book! After you read it, let me know how you like it! I’d also like to know how the book compares to the movie!

So, have you ever had to sell your parent(s) home? Was it hard to let go?


The Christmas Card

Have you ever broken a marriage engagement?

Well, Faith is in a predicament. She’s engaged to Paul. Paul is a nerdy, boring, and not-very-nice international wine broker, or something like that. He’s gone all the time and Faith hardly sees him.

When handsome military man, Cody, swoops into town, her life changes. Cody…well…he’s FINE. He’s so cute and nice. His good looks and charm shine even more when you compare him to boring Paul.

Cody is just passing through town. He appears to be a drifter. And after he saves Faith’s father’s life, her family begs Cody to spend Christmas with them. Faith’s dad wants Cody to help out at their mill, and Cody agrees. After all, he’s attracted to pretty Faith and he wants to spend time with her too.

Cody is glad to connect with Faith – that’s why he’s in town in the first place. Faith sent him a Christmas card and he’s determined to thank her for it. Although they don’t know one another, (Faith sent the card to Cody anonymously), they get closer during the Christmas season.

So, have you ever broken a marriage engagement? If so, why did you break it?

Once Upon A Christmas Miracle


Have you ever relied on another person for medical reasons (blood transfusion, organ donation, etc.?)

Heather, a medical student, is sick. She has to drop out of school and she discovers she needs a liver transplant. Chris, a stranger, turns out to be a match and he offers to help her.

All, I can say is, whew! Oh my! Can you imagine a complete stranger stepping in to help like that? Yeah, you do hear about it, but, not often. Also, he helped in other ways, too. I thought it was especially kind of him to offer to help with fundraising for Heather. She’s temporarily out of a job and she needs funds for her medical bills.

Chris was definitely a hero that was larger than life. I thought it was really touching when Heather and Chris were alone in the living room. He asks her what’s wrong and she hesitates before finally telling him about how she gets tired so easily. He assured her that that was okay.

There’s also a very touching romance that develops between them. This movie was a bit darker and more compelling than most Hallmark movies. I believe I felt this way because someone’s life was on the line and it was imperative that she find a donor. It was definitely one of the more emotional Hallmark movies.

This movie was based upon a true story! Isn’t that amazing?

So have you ever depended upon somebody for a medical donation (blood transfusion, organ donation, etc.)? Did you connect with this person?


The Perfect Christmas Present

Have you ever struggled with finding the perfect Christmas gift for someone?

Well, Paul struggles with finding a gift for his girlfriend, Jenny. Jenny has relocated to Chicago to be with Paul. But, there’s a distance between them – not a physical distance but an emotional distance.

Jenny is originally from Chicago, so, being back at “home” gives her bittersweet, mixed, emotional feelings. She lost her dad when she was young and she recalls the fun times they shared in Chicago.

Since Paul wants to emotionally re-connect with Jenny, he hires his old fraternity brother, Tom. Tom is “Mr. Christmas.” He has a business where he can find the perfect Christmas gift for your loved one. The only catch is, Tom has to get to know the person for whom you’re buying the gift. So, Tom has to spend time with Jenny.

As Tom spends time with Jenny, planning a charity event – finding out her likes, dislikes, personal hangups, etc., he falls in love with her. When Jenny discovers Tom’s true identity as Mr. Christmas, well, things turn sour between Tom and Jenny and between Jenny and Paul.

I REALLY liked this Hallmark M&M Christmas movie! It was fantastic. It was a Hallmark movie, but, a bit more. Meaning, I could actually imagine this movie on the big screen, actually in a movie theater. The movie had a bit more emotional edge to it than most other HM movies. I loved the chemistry between Tom and Jenny and the conflict was amazing.

I also noticed as Tom was getting to know Jenny, he’d read one of her favorite books: The Giver by Lois Lowry. I read this book awhile ago and I loved it! It’s a dystopian story and I felt it was a bit deep for a children’s book. I thought it was so good and I liked that this was one of Jenny’s favorite books. Why? Not sure. Maybe I liked this aspect of the movie because it showed that Jenny was a deep thinker? I just liked how the camera panned onto this book a couple of times during the movie!

I especially loved how Tom showed how much he’d fallen for Jenny. The end, where he gets the album she’s been seeking, her dad’s recording, well…that was just over-the-top sweet, nice and oh so refreshing! Loved it!

So have you ever struggled with finding the perfect gift for your boyfriend/significant other? What did you do? Would you consider hiring someone like Mr. Christmas?


A Godwink Christmas

Have you ever gotten engaged and then regretted it later?  

Paula has recently accepted a marriage proposal from her overbearing boyfriend, Daniel. Upset and confused, she talks to her Aunt Jane about her mixed feelings. Aunt Jane invites Paula down for a visit to Nantucket. Her Aunt then sends Jane to Martha’s Vineyard where she meets Gery the owner of the inn where she’s staying.

Paula and Gery really seem to hit it off. The emotional connection between them is amazing! Only problem is, Paula is engaged…is it okay for her to have feelings for Gery while she’s engaged to Daniel?

I really liked this movie. I thought the characters were strong and oh, so believable. Didn’t Daniel get on your nerves? He sure got on mine.I hated the way he kept texting and taking phone calls while he was supposed to be visiting Paula. When Paula came to visit him at his job, he even set an alarm to ensure that their visit didn’t last too long! Who does that?

He also was overbearing towards his family, too. His own sister had issues with him, too. He was not the right match for Paula, even though they’d been dating for two years. I’m kind of surprised that they didn’t break up sooner. I felt that Daniel strong-armed Paula into accepting his proposal. She’d not been expecting him to propose – so, it was a bit of a shock for her when he did that. Also, she refused to wear his ring….which spoke VOLUMES as to how she felt about him!

Gery likes Paula, too. He’s divorced and he tells Paula why his marriage ended. Paula struggles with her feelings for Gery while being engaged to Daniel. Aunt Jane reminds her that sometimes God winks and the unexpected can happen!

The Godwink Christmas movies are based on the Godwink series of books. Have you read them? 

The publisher for God Winks recently sent me a copy of God Wink Christmas Stories in the mail. I was surprised to receive it. I read the first story and it was inspiring. It was a true account of someone helping an elderly couple. Such a touching story for the Christmas holiday!

So, have you ever gotten engaged and then had second thoughts about it? Did you regret your decision? Did you end up getting married or did you break off your engagement?
