Tag Archives: Summer

Wedding Every Weekend

Have you ever been afraid to pursue your dreams?

Brooke is dissatisfied with her life. She’s a physical therapist. She’s unhappily dating her boss. When she breaks things off with him, things get awkward for them at work. I can imagine that it must be hard to work side by side with someone with whom you’ve recently broken up.

Brooke meets Nate while she’s shopping for a coffee machine for her workplace. Neither Nate or Brooke are interested in dating. Brooke has proclaimed that she’s going to take the summer off from dating. She wants to spend time focusing on herself, doing whatever she needs to do to be happy.

When Nate hurts his knee, he finds himself in need of Brooke’s healing skills. Both of them surprisingly find out that they have a LOT of mutual friends in common as they attend the same weddings during the entire summer.

Since Brooke feels awkward around her boss, she finally decides to pursue her dream, and open her own business. She has some obstacles to overcome before she can make this happen.

The feelings between Brooke and Nate were so vivid … so real.

Nate restores old cars. He’s inherited his business from his dad. He was so supportive of Brooke. He encouraged her to pursue her dream of opening her own physical therapy business. She admitted that she was afraid of failure.

One of the strongest scenes in the movie was when Brooke’s discovers a busted pipe in her home. This is a huge mishap since Brooke had been planning on spending her extra money on opening her new business – not fixing her busted pipe. When Nate arrives, he says, “Brooke, I’m so sorry.” There’s so much depth and emotion in his voice. You know he’s falling for Brooke, especially when she replies, “I’m just glad you’re here.”

He responds, “Me too.” They share a look, a look of, well…a look of two people who are attracted to one another!

After they were thrown together at each wedding, well…their feelings developed even more, in spite of their apprehensions.

I thought it was brave of Brooke to pursue her dreams.

As is typical of Hallmark, Brooke overhears Nate’s conversation – but she doesn’t hear the entire conversation – so she mistakenly thinks that Nate is not romantically interested in her.

I thought this movie would’ve been more realistic if Hallmark hadn’t used the convention of Brooke not hearing Nate’s entire conversation. The reason why I say this is because, well, the movie would’ve been so much STRONGER, if Brooke had simply confronted Nate about what she’d “heard.” I mean the man actually helped her with her dream by restoring her car for her and finding a buyer for it. Brooke needed that money and Nate really came through for her.

The way Brooke’s character was portrayed….well…I think she’d be stronger and more forthcoming near the end. After she “heard” Nate, I would’ve had a heart to heart talk with him that evening. Brooke should’ve said, “I heard what you said earlier about wanting to stay single. Not wanting somebody telling you what to do. What’s up with that?”

Then Nate could’ve told her that she’d not heard the entire conversation! Know what I mean?

It was sweet – Nate purchasing Brooke’s restored car, instead of selling it to the interested buyer.

So have you ever been fearful in pursuing your dreams?

Stranded in Paradise

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you like sweet romance movies like Stranded in Paradise then you MUST read ROCKY ROAD DREAMS by CECELIA DOWDY. In Rocky Road Dreams Melanie and Kyle are briefly stranded due to a massive snowstorm. While stuck together, romance brews amidst the cold winter days. Both Kyle and Melanie do some deep soul searching as they struggle to make their relationship work! Read Rocky Road Dreams today and tell a friend by sharing this blog post. You may find Rocky Road Dreams at ceceliadowdy.com/books – or simply click on the link at the end of this blog post! Now, let’s talk about the Hallmark movie Stranded in Paradise!

Have you ever been stranded somewhere?

Well, Tess is stranded and unemployed at the same time! After her she’s fired from her job (as head of Human Resources Dept.) she decides to do what she must in order to find a job. She’s been scheduled to attend a Human Resources conference in Puerto Rico! So, after a bunch of mishaps (lost phone, lost shoes) she discovers that her cabin-mate is Carter.

Carter is on his way to Puerto Rico, too, but, he’s trying to raise money to bring clean water to impoverished people. I thought it was a bit of overkill how Carter and Tess “coincidentally” run into each other while in Puerto Rico. Both of them have lost luggage and then the hotel which they are staying is under renovations.

Then, Tess discovers that her mean, dirty boss has cancelled her conference registration. Both Carter and Tess are stranded because of a hurricane. When Tess discovers she can no longer stay in the hotel, Carter finds shelter for both of them from a local.

I really liked this movie. It’s not one of my faves, but, I liked it more than the average Hallmark movie. I liked Tess’s spunk. Even though she was unemployed, she did what she could to find a job. I also really liked Carter. He cared about helping people, and he was a really great listener, too. This was a perfect beach movie, complete with a romantic kissing scene at the end!

So, have you ever been stranded? If so, where? How long were you stranded?

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you like sweet romance movies like Stranded in Paradise then you MUST read ROCKY ROAD DREAMS by CECELIA DOWDY. In Rocky Road Dreams Melanie and Kyle are briefly stranded due to a massive snowstorm. While stuck together, romance brews amidst the cold winter days. Both Kyle and Melanie do some deep soul searching as they struggle to make their relationship work! Read Rocky Road Dreams today and tell a friend by sharing this blog post. You may find Rocky Road Dreams at ceceliadowdy.com/books – or simply click on the link at the end of this blog post!
