Tag Archives: Winter

Once Upon A Christmas Miracle


Have you ever relied on another person for medical reasons (blood transfusion, organ donation, etc.?)

Heather, a medical student, is sick. She has to drop out of school and she discovers she needs a liver transplant. Chris, a stranger, turns out to be a match and he offers to help her.

All, I can say is, whew! Oh my! Can you imagine a complete stranger stepping in to help like that? Yeah, you do hear about it, but, not often. Also, he helped in other ways, too. I thought it was especially kind of him to offer to help with fundraising for Heather. She’s temporarily out of a job and she needs funds for her medical bills.

Chris was definitely a hero that was larger than life. I thought it was really touching when Heather and Chris were alone in the living room. He asks her what’s wrong and she hesitates before finally telling him about how she gets tired so easily. He assured her that that was okay.

There’s also a very touching romance that develops between them. This movie was a bit darker and more compelling than most Hallmark movies. I believe I felt this way because someone’s life was on the line and it was imperative that she find a donor. It was definitely one of the more emotional Hallmark movies.

This movie was based upon a true story! Isn’t that amazing?

So have you ever depended upon somebody for a medical donation (blood transfusion, organ donation, etc.)? Did you connect with this person?


A Christmas Detour


Have you ever met an interesting stranger while you were traveling?

Paige, who writes magazine articles about love, is on her way to meet her upper-class, stuck-up fiancé, Jack. En route, she sits next to Dylan on the plane. As is classic in many Hallmark Movies, Dylan and Paige start off on the wrong foot and do NOT get along at all.

When their plane is grounded, and they’re stranded due to a snowstorm, they must bunk in adjoining hotel rooms. Paige is anxious, simply too anxious, to make it to Jack’s. Apparently, if she does not arrive in time, their wedding would have to be postponed (which makes no sense when you think of it logically).

Paige doesn’t even LIKE Jack, yet she’s engaged to him. How awful is that? I think Paige is just in love with the IDEA of being in love and having a fairy tale wedding. Jack just needed a bride and Paige seemed to fit the bill. Jack is so uptight and stiff and…just unlikable, and his parents were the same way. I couldn’t stand them. Paige would never have been able to fit into that family.

Dylan is definitely the one for Paige. Even though he has his own set of problems with his family, he knows he needs to go home (after being absent for four years). His ex married his brother, which upsets him. However, he learns that he can’t stay away from his family forever.

This was such a nice, refreshing holiday movie. I loved seeing Paige, Dylan, and the older couple that they befriended (Frank and Maxine) spend Christmas Eve together. It was so nice and magical-looking, but, Paige couldn’t enjoy the beauty of the holiday since she was in despair about meeting up with Jack.

Of course, Dylan and Paige end up being together at the end. He basically crashes Paige’s dinner with Jack and his parents, which was great since she was NOT having a good time with them, anyway!

So, have you ever met an interesting stranger while you were traveling? Did the two of you stay in touch?


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing, LLC. If you like movies such as The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, then you MUST READ The Bakery Romance Series by Cecelia Dowdy at ceceliadowdy.com/books. The Bakery Romance Series is a heartwarming Amazon bestselling romance series. The book link is also at the end of this blog post.

Have you ever taken a stranger into your home?

Single mother Jennifer has two visitors for Christmas – her Uncle Ralph (a retired police officer) and Morgan, a nomad that assisted her Uncle Ralph at the airport. Since Morgan’s flight to his final destination is cancelled because of a snowstorm, Ralph invites him to spend the night at Jennifer’s home.

Of course Jennifer his hesitant, but, agrees to let Morgan stay in her home. Morgan really connects with Jennifer’s son, Brian.

However, trouble brews when Jennifer’s stuck-up, snobby boyfriend (Richard) notices the new houseguest. Jennifer is having a really hard time this Christmas. She’s having Richard and his parents over for Christmas dinner, and she must cook the turkey herself.

But, Jennifer doesn’t know how to cook, at all! She has nightmares about cooking the Christmas turkey and one reason why she agrees to let Morgan stay in her home is because he’s a chef. Morgan makes great pancakes and he knows how to cook a turkey, too. Perhaps she can solicit his help!

I really loved how Morgan, a nomad and a total opposite to Jennifer, made Jennifer see how she was short-shifting Christmas. Jennifer is so busy that she barely looks at her Christmas cards. She has a fake tree and Morgan makes her see how a real tree with enlighten her home.

Morgan really connected with Brian, too. He actually gets on the roof to play Santa for Brian! That was so nice of him. He also karate-chopped a man so that Jennifer could get the bike that was rightfully hers (purchased for her son Brian).

The premise of Jennifer’s fear of cooking reminded me of my romance novel, Sweet Dreams. In my book, the heroine is fearful of cooking – but, she must work to overcome her fear as she works in a soup kitchen. She must learn to cook to make a better future for her daughter – and she struggles with that.

I thought Henry Winkler did an AWESOME job of playing Uncle Ralph! He was funny, realistic and oh, so, endearing. I loved his role of matchmaker between Jennifer and Morgan. Uncle Ralph COULD NOT STAND Richard and neither could I! It was quite obvious that Richard was not an ideal choice for Jennifer. They would’ve been miserable if they’d gotten married!

So, did you enjoy The Most Wonderful Time of the Year? What was your favorite part? Have you ever taken a stranger into your home?

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing, LLC. If you like movies such as The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, then you MUST READ The Bakery Romance Series by Cecelia Dowdy at ceceliadowdy.com/books. The Bakery Romance Series is a heartwarming Amazon bestselling romance series. The book link is also at the end of this blog post.


