The Christmas Card

Have you ever broken a marriage engagement?

Well, Faith is in a predicament. She’s engaged to Paul. Paul is a nerdy, boring, and not-very-nice international wine broker, or something like that. He’s gone all the time and Faith hardly sees him.

When handsome military man, Cody, swoops into town, her life changes. Cody…well…he’s FINE. He’s so cute and nice. His good looks and charm shine even more when you compare him to boring Paul.

Cody is just passing through town. He appears to be a drifter. And after he saves Faith’s father’s life, her family begs Cody to spend Christmas with them. Faith’s dad wants Cody to help out at their mill, and Cody agrees. After all, he’s attracted to pretty Faith and he wants to spend time with her too.

Cody is glad to connect with Faith – that’s why he’s in town in the first place. Faith sent him a Christmas card and he’s determined to thank her for it. Although they don’t know one another, (Faith sent the card to Cody anonymously), they get closer during the Christmas season.

So, have you ever broken a marriage engagement? If so, why did you break it?

2 thoughts on “The Christmas Card

  1. Pam Whorwell

    I broke an engagement to a man who treated his kids differently than mine. I think if your going to blend families you need the same rules and values for all concerned and that wasn’t happening. The man I’m married to now treats all our kids the same. He is a goo Godly man and I am blessed to have him in my life.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      Hi, Pam
      You made the right choice in breaking your engagement to that other guy. Nice to hear that you married someone who knew how to treat a blended family. Have a blessed Saturday.


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