The Christmas Cure

Have you ever reconnected with an old boyfriend/love interest?

When Vanessa returns home for Christmas, she’s in for a big surprise. The first surprise occurs when she lands at the airport. The person picking her up is Mitch, her old boyfriend. She’s stunned to see him since she was expecting her dad to pick her up. The meeting between them is awkward since it’s obvious that they’ve not seen each other in years. To me, there appeared to be unresolved feelings between them – this was apparent (at least it was apparent to me) when they first reconnect at the airport.

Wait a second…do you like sweet emotional romance novels? Try one of my bestselling books! You will love them! Now, back to the movie….

Vanessa is stunned to discover that her father is closing the beloved clinic. Well, her dad is getting older and he wants to travel with his wife. The town’s people really depend on his support.

I couldn’t believe that Mitch waited ten years to give Vanessa a gift! Can you imagine waiting for ten years to give somebody a Christmas present? He’d bought it for her initially, but, never had the right opportunity to present it to her. This is just another example of the unresolved feelings between the two of them. Although Mitch has been engaged, well…it’s obvious that he’s never forgotten about Vanessa. After all, they’ve been friends since they were kids – Vanessa made him feel welcome. Mitch was a shy child and he needed help connecting with other kids and Vanessa was right there to help him. They’d developed a deep bond as children and, from what I could gather, that bond was always there, way into adulthood.

But, as luck would have it, they broke up when Vanessa went to college – the long-distance relationship just didn’t work for them.

I really liked how this couple re-connected, even though they’d not seen one another in years. I also liked the side story about Vanessa’s brother falling for the girl from his class. It was sweet when he tried to make her cookies – he really wanted to impress her since he felt bad about spoiling the surprise ending for a book she was reading.

It was nice seeing actor Patrick Duffy. I recall seeing him acting when I was kid/teenager. He was in Man From Atlantis as well as the famous series, Dallas. It’s always nice to re-connect with actors that I’ve “known” from a long time ago.

Have you ever reconnected with an old boyfriend/love interest? What happened? Were you able to make your romance work the second time around?

2 thoughts on “The Christmas Cure

  1. Elaine Casey

    I had an old flame attempt to touch base with me several years ago. It was only through e-mail. But I was not finding it welcoming. He seemed to have developed a fantasy about our relationship. He tried to tell me that he only broke up with me because he felt he would hold me back in what I wanted to do. He talked about how he hated doing it and suffered for some time about it. I told him I thought he had mis-remembered what happened. He broke up with me and within 2 weeks was dating another girl so that didn’t seem to be the actions of someone who suffered after our break-up. I also asked that he stop contacting me. And gladly he did cease and desist. That was the only old flame I can remember recontacting with.


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