Have you ever struggled with finding the perfect Christmas gift for someone?
Well, Paul struggles with finding a gift for his girlfriend, Jenny. Jenny has relocated to Chicago to be with Paul. But, there’s a distance between them – not a physical distance but an emotional distance.
Jenny is originally from Chicago, so, being back at “home” gives her bittersweet, mixed, emotional feelings. She lost her dad when she was young and she recalls the fun times they shared in Chicago.
Since Paul wants to emotionally re-connect with Jenny, he hires his old fraternity brother, Tom. Tom is “Mr. Christmas.” He has a business where he can find the perfect Christmas gift for your loved one. The only catch is, Tom has to get to know the person for whom you’re buying the gift. So, Tom has to spend time with Jenny.
As Tom spends time with Jenny, planning a charity event – finding out her likes, dislikes, personal hangups, etc., he falls in love with her. When Jenny discovers Tom’s true identity as Mr. Christmas, well, things turn sour between Tom and Jenny and between Jenny and Paul.
I REALLY liked this Hallmark M&M Christmas movie! It was fantastic. It was a Hallmark movie, but, a bit more. Meaning, I could actually imagine this movie on the big screen, actually in a movie theater. The movie had a bit more emotional edge to it than most other HM movies. I loved the chemistry between Tom and Jenny and the conflict was amazing.
I also noticed as Tom was getting to know Jenny, he’d read one of her favorite books: The Giver by Lois Lowry. I read this book awhile ago and I loved it! It’s a dystopian story and I felt it was a bit deep for a children’s book. I thought it was so good and I liked that this was one of Jenny’s favorite books. Why? Not sure. Maybe I liked this aspect of the movie because it showed that Jenny was a deep thinker? I just liked how the camera panned onto this book a couple of times during the movie!

I especially loved how Tom showed how much he’d fallen for Jenny. The end, where he gets the album she’s been seeking, her dad’s recording, well…that was just over-the-top sweet, nice and oh so refreshing! Loved it!
So have you ever struggled with finding the perfect gift for your boyfriend/significant other? What did you do? Would you consider hiring someone like Mr. Christmas?