
The Bakery Bride by Cecelia Dowdy is included in this anthology.

The Bakery Bride is set in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—1859

Grieving over her beau’s unjustified death, Ruth—a recently manumitted slave who is illiterate—assists her upper-class boss as an abolitionist. Can she heal from the pain of slavery and learn to love again?

Read The Bakery Bride as well as the other romance tales in this collection that take place during the abolitionist movement!

Join the journey as nine couples work along the Underground Railroad between 1849 and 1860, determined to bring freedom and justice to all. There is hope for the future when people come together to fight evil, and when men and women find love in the midst of great challenges.

Email me at ceceliaATceceliadowdyDOTcom if interested in purchasing this wonderful collection. Paperback copies are $10 each - this price includes domestic shipping!

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