The Wedding Veil

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you like movies such as The Wedding Veil then you MUST READ Loving Luke by CECELIA DOWDY. LOVING LUKE is about Kim Taylor, an unemployed accountant who has returned home to help her dad in the family’s cookie bakery. While in town, she re-encounters Luke, her high school sweetheart. Luke abandoned Kim years ago, and now he’s returned to town, widowed, wanting to give his daughter a better life. When he sees Kim, romantic memories of eating hot chocolate chip cookies and cold glasses of milk with Kim resurface. Luke has a problem and it appears that Kim can help him. Can they overcome the past and look forward to a bright future? Loving Luke can be found at You may also access the book via Amazon at the link at the end of this blog post.

In The Wedding Veil three best friends meet up for their yearly antiquing vacation. They find an antique wedding veil. The history behind the veil is so fascinating that they just can’t pass it up. They split the cost between them and they decide that Avery should first take possession of the veil. She leaves the veil at the front desk of her hotel – she’s leaving soon to return home. She meets Peter and the two strangers hit it off as they go on an impromptu date. After the date, when Peter sees Avery picking up the veil, he overhears the desk clerk ask her if she’s chosen a wedding dress yet.

Peter mistakenly assumes Avery is getting married.

When Avery returns home, she’s surprisingly matched up with Peter to plan a special art-related function. There is disharmony between them. Peter still believes that she’s engaged. However, he can’t help but be attracted to her. Avery is confused because Peter is nice and charming, and then he’s the total opposite – all within a few minutes. Peter struggles with his emotions and we’re led to believe his hot/cold personality is because he’s falling hard for a woman who is “engaged.”

Of course, everything comes to light, and he discovers that Avery is NOT getting married.

As they work together on their art-related event, their feelings for each other escalate, and they end up solving the question behind a mysterious painting.

I enjoyed this movie so much! I especially loved the dresses that Hallmark provided for Avery! The wardrobe was fantastic.

My only gripe about this movie is that for over half of the movie the romantic tension between Peter and Avery hinges upon his mistakenly thinking that she’s engaged. I found this excuse so flimsy! Realistically, if two people were spending so much time together planning an event, and they have chemistry, and they have regular conversations…he would have asked her more about her wedding. Or said something like, “too bad you’re engaged. I’d like to get to know you better.” Or something like that.

I felt that the misunderstanding was a bit contrived and unrealistic. They could have cleared things up at the beginning with a 2-minute conversation!

C’est la vie! It’s a Hallmark movie after all!

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you like movies such as The Wedding Veil then you MUST READ Loving Luke by Cecelia Dowdy. LOVING LUKE is about Kim Taylor, an unemployed accountant who has returned home to help her dad in the family’s cookie bakery. While in town, she re-encounters Luke, her high school sweetheart. Luke abandoned Kim years ago, and now he’s returned to town, widowed, wanting to give his daughter a better life. When he sees Kim, romantic memories of eating hot chocolate chip cookies and cold glasses of milk with Kim resurface. Luke has a problem and it appears that Kim can help him. Can they overcome the past and look forward to a bright future? Loving Luke can be found at You may also access the book via Amazon at the link at the end of this blog post.

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2 thoughts on “The Wedding Veil

  1. Monica Stauffenberg

    I saw The Wedding Veil and have a review…

    The story has something going for it but there is absolutely no chemistry between Lacey Chabert and Kevin McGarry and Lacey’s rapid blinking every time she is supposed to look tenderly into his eyes before a kiss certainly doesn’t help any. She does that all the time in every movie she’s in.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      Hi, Monica!
      Thanks so much for commenting! I’d not noticed the blinking! Next time I watch one of her movies, I’ll be sure to pay attention to that!
      My biggest peeve, as stated in my review, is the misunderstanding that dragged through over half the movie. I hate it when movies and books have a simple misunderstanding as a major conflict – something that can be cleared up in a few minutes.
      Hey, if you like romance stories, then try reading Rocky Road Dreams:
      It’s a wonderful book and the characters have lots of chemistry!
      Have a nice day!


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