Have you ever met a famous author?
I could relate to this movie so much! Since I’m a romance author, I know what it’s like to have a book signing and hardly anybody shows up! I think the general public might not necessarily know that booksignings are not always glitz and glamour with fans clamoring to get your book!
Cassie is a new author and her book is not selling. She’s paired up with Elliot, a bestselling fantasy novelist. Cassie doesn’t really take his novels seriously, I mean, come on, how hard can it be to write a book about dragons? But, it’s dragons – even though it’s fantasy, it’s still writing and it takes a fair amount of work.
Cassie and Elliot go on a book tour. The tour includes book signings and and interviews. Of course, during the course of this week-long book tour road trip, they fall in love. You know that’s going to happen. It is a Hallmark movie after all!
I could really relate to both of these characters. When Elliot realizes that Cassie’s mom is a famous novelist, an old teacher of his, he reminds her that she’d encouraged him to change his major from Business to English. A similar situation happened to me when I was in college. When I took Freshman English, my professor said that I was a good writer. He asked me what my major was, and I told him it was Finance. He told me I was in the wrong major. He said I should change my major to English.
I didn’t listen to him. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Finance. I caught the writing bug in my late twenties. Looking back, I’m not sure if I should’ve listened to him or not. My degree has given me access to halfway decent jobs. Making a living as a best-selling novelist, that’s rare. I wasn’t sure if I’d been able to find a decent job with an English degree. I mean, after all, I had to pay back my student loans.
I really loved that they had a snowstorm. There’s just something so romantic about being cooped up with your romantic interest in a snowstorm. Also, while they were being interviewed, during that last interview, I LOVED how Elliot LOOKED at Cassie. He looked like a smitten man, a man that was IN LOVE, swooning over his future wife! My heart sped up when he looked at her that way! Oh my!
Near the end of the movie, I think they just dragged out the storyline with the ex-wife. All Cassie had to do was ask Elliot if he were still involved with her. There was so much unspoken between them during that last half hour. I would’ve tried to think of something else to create angst between them. Like, I probably would’ve shown the ex-wife coming onto him and Cassie sees it and gets the wrong idea?
Overall a good movie. I can’t wait to see this one again! Oh, by the way, most authors don’t go on book tours like that. Book tours are rare and the few authors that go on them (outside of bestselling NY Times authors) have to foot the bill themselves. Also, as far as publicity goes (outside of bestselling NY Times authors) the author has to foot the bill for that, too. Most publishers don’t do a lot of advertising for their new/non-best-selling authors. That’s just the way it is, and I wanted all to know that! Advertising can be quite pricey, and after you shell out the money for it, there’s no guarantee that it’ll have a positive impact on your sales!
So, have you ever met a famous author before? If so, where did you meet him/her?

I really enjoyed this movie. It also reminded me a lot of real life. When I published my first book in 2012, I was super excited to be part of a book signing with one of my favorite authors, Tracie Peterson. I, along with two other authors, was invited to join her on one stop of her Minnesota tour, promoting her “Land of Shining Waters” series, which takes place in MN. I thought I’d sell books because she was there, but actually, people smiled at me, bypassed my table, and went straight to hers
I felt a lot like Cassie in the movie. I could totally relate to that situation. And unlike Elliot’s star treatment, Tracie Peterson and her husband drove in their minivan to each stop on the tour. They didn’t have an entourage. They were super adorable and friendly! And, coincidentally, after our book signing in Baxter MN, they actually left early because snow was expected and they wanted to get a jump on things!
Hi, Jessica!
Yes, I know both Tracie Peterson and her husband Jim. Tracie was instrumental in my getting my first book contract back in 2000. My first book was published exclusively via Doubleday’s Crossings Book Club (a mail-order Christian book club. Not sure if Doubleday still has the snail mail book clubs!). I met her at an RWA Conference. Tracie and Jim were both editors at Barbour for the Heartsong Presents line, too! Those were some great times!
I don’t think there are many authors who are as famous as Eliott. Yes, they do exist, but, authors being that famous are few and far between (IMHO)!
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