Saturday Matinee – Breaking Dawn

Popcorn photo courtesy of Free Digital Photos.

***Note, this movie is secular and has vampires and werewolves.

I couldn’t resist going to see Breaking Dawn – Part One. I went to a ten AM show last Monday. I posted a review of this book here, and was comparing the book to the movie the entire time.

This story was dark, haunting and riveting. The special effects were amazing and it was especially hard to see Bella suffer physically after she gets pregnant with Edward’s baby.

Bella and Edward (a vampire) send out invites to friends for their wedding. Jacob (an Indian man who can change into a werewolf) is Bella’s best friend and Edward’s natural enemy. Jacob gets upset about the nuptials, phazing into a wolf, running into the woods.

After the wedding, Bella and Edward go on their honeymoon to a secluded island. They make love for the first time and the results are terrifying. Bella gets pregnant and Edward didn’t realize that a vampire could impregnate a human. They return to the mainland and lots of action-packed adventure happens after that. The wolves (the pack that Jacob belongs to) want to destroy the baby and there’s a war between the wolves and the vampires as the vampires try to protect Bella and the unborn child. While pregnant, Bella must drink blood to nourish the baby. I cringed when she did this!

This movie was so intense. It also makes you think that the vampires and werewolves really exist. It’s haunting to think of never being able to die (except for some circumstances – the wolves can kill the vampires) for hundreds of years, being trapped in this human life, never growing old?

I thought this movie was the most intense of all of the Twilight movies. I seldom watch movies with science-fiction/fantasy elements. I find movies with regular settings and regular people more appealing. However, watching movies like this gives me a break from the norm.

Have you seen this movie, if so, did you like it?

~Cecelia Dowdy~

4 thoughts on “Saturday Matinee – Breaking Dawn

  1. Judy DV

    I plan on seeing it. I wish they could have fit the last book in one movie but there is a lot there.
    I like that the movies follow the books so close in this series but I have enjoyed the books more. The characters in the movie did not fit my imagination. These movies are what got me into reading only a few years ago. When Twilight ended I asked my friend if there were more books… and it got me reading.

  2. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Judy
    Glad you stopped by and commented. You said: The characters in the movie did not fit my imagination.

    Remember in the books, Edward is SO GOOD-LOOKING/DROP-DEAD GORGEOUS?? I don’t think they guy who plays Edward in the movie is good-looking. I think they should’ve casted a better Edward.

    Glad you’re into reading! It’s my utmost favorite thing to do! Feel free to glance through my blog and look at some of the titles that I’ve enjoyed to give you some reading choices!

  3. Joy Tamsin David

    I saw this movie last week at a screening before it opened. I thought it was good, but not as good as the last movie Eclipse. I didn’t care for the werewolves talking to each other, I thought that was pretty corny.

    And the moment that Jacob imprints was so well done in the book, I didn’t think that came across as well on screen.

    Other than that, I think they ended the movie in a good spot for people who haven’t read the books yet.

    If they really wanted a cliff hanger though, they could have ended it with Bella on the table before her eyes open. But that would probably have had people rioting in theaters. LOL.

  4. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Joy. I’m glad you stopped by to comment. About the wolves “talking”, I kinda thought they were reading one another’s minds? That’s the way that I recall it being done in the book? I might be wrong about that, though, since it’s been awhile since I read that book.

    Also, I’m not sure how the imprinting happened in the novel. Could you remind me how it was done?

    I just remember Bella getting angry with Jacob for imprinting on her daughter, then I recall the strong relationship that Jacob and Renesmee(sp?) shared when R. got older. I recall them making plans for (Uncle) Jacob to escape with R. if the Volturi decided she should be destroyed.


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