Sunday Brunch! Does The Lord Speak To Us In Our Dreams?

Photo courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti

Do you think that the Lord can speak to us in our dreams? Do you usually remember your dreams?

In Genesis, Joseph foolishly tells his brothers about a dream he’s had. In his dream, Joseph reigns over his brothers – they bow down to him. Then, in prison, Joseph accurately interprets the dreams of the cupbearer and the baker. Joseph tells them that his ability to interpret dreams comes from God:

Genesis 40:7So he asked Pharaoh’s officers who were with him in the custody of his lord’s house, saying, “Why do you look so sad today?”8And they said to him, “We each have had a dream, and there is no interpreter of it.”So Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell them to me, please.”

Do you think that currently some dream interpretations belong to God? I also wondered about the cupbearer and the baker’s statement regarding seeking an interpreter. Did people, back in old testament times, seek out interpreters for dreams? I’m wondering if Joseph had not been available, would the cupbearer and baker have sought out a magician or sorcerer to interpret their dreams after they got out of prison?

Do you remember your dreams? Do you feel that God is speaking to you through your dreams?


I’ve always been fascinated with dreams, wondering why we dream as we do. Why do we dream? What do our dreams mean? I was so fascinated that I did a paper in high school about dreams, finding out that they’re linked to our subconscious. While sleeping, dreams can sometimes help us solve our problems, give us insight about ourselves in a symbolic manner.

So, do you think that God still speaks to some of his His believers through dreams? Do you think that God currently uses some of His followers to interpret the dreams of others – just as he did with Joseph in the old testament?

Please share your thoughts!



One thought on “Sunday Brunch! Does The Lord Speak To Us In Our Dreams?

  1. Ms J Mcintosh

    I do believe when our spirit is at rest it travels and astoprojects into our earlier years childzonetime places and positive places depending on how stressed u were before sleeping. Either or most times in your sleep we tend to connect more with our birthearth guardian angel where messages,guidance and instructions to follow just that u must remember when u wake


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