Daily Archives: July 27, 2006

Conference Tips

I realize a lot of writers out there have never attended a writers conference. Currently, the annual Romance Writers of America conference is taking place in Atlanta, Georgia. I was not able to attend that conference this year, however, since the conference is now in full swing, plus there are other conferences going on this summer and this fall, I thought I’d post a few conference tips that I’ve learned over the years.

If going to a conference for the first time, be sure to meet as many people as possible! Exchange business cards, and if your manuscript is complete, be sure to make appointments with editors and agents to pitch your work. Making these kinds of contacts is very important within this industry. You can also network outside of conference hours. Meet other conferees for lunch, dinner, or late-night get togethers! Just chatting with other authors and writers makes your career feel less lonely.

When you meet with your editor or agent, be prepared. Perhaps have a business card handy to give to the editor or agent. You may want to write the name of your book on your card. Just be sure to relax and not be nervous while pitching your book. You may even want to practice your pitch several times before your meeting. Some people usually start practicing weeks before they meet with the editor or agent.

If you are interested in attending an upcoming Christian writers conference, here are a few that I am aware of:

American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) Conference:

I’ve been a member of American Christian Fiction Writers for close to five years, however, I have yet to attend their conference. I plan on attending for the first time in September, and I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback about the fellowship, workshops, etc. to be experienced at this conference. Based on others’ recommendations, I’d highly suggest attending this conference. After I attend, I plan on blogging about my experience at my first ACFW conference.

Another conference that I’ll be attending shortly is the Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference:


I’ve never attended this conference, either. However, the brochures, and the information on the internet, make this conference seem to be worthwhile. I’ll be blogging about my experiences at this conference, also.

I will be posting other conference tips periodically throughout the next couple of months.

Until next time,
Cecelia Dowdy