Sunday Brunch – The Danger Of Visiting A Psychic!

Mock Menu:
Light, tasty beignets coated with powdered sugar
Cafe Au Lait
Fluffy scrambled eggs lightly seasoned with salt and pepper
Crispy, salty bacon

Let’s pretend like we’ve just finished the meal outlined above before we begin our discussion!

Leviticus 19:31
“Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the Lord your God.

Have you ever visited a psychic/medium and regretted it later?

***Please note that this is based upon my personal experience, and nothing more. I’ve had a couple of emails from a blog reader, stating that I should go into more detail as to why we shouldn’t visit a psychic. You can open yourself up to a whole forbidden world that could do tons of damage – affecting your salvation. I didn’t go into this reasoning in this blog post since I’m talking about one isolated incident that happened to me. I don’t know or understand the spirit world and we really need to rely on Jesus, trust in HIM with our future. I invite you to respond accordingly with your own experiences – it’s hard to give more depth to this blog post since it’s a personal blog post that happened to me a long time ago…and I only did this one time (that was enough for me to learn to not do this again!). My reasoning about not visiting a psychic is minor compared to what’s happened to others. Also, this is a subject matter that is so broad – there are probably thousands upon thousands of books out there about this subject. It’s hard to cover every aspect in just one blog post – I can only speak about what happened to me – for further insight, I invite you to read the comments or post your own comment about your own experience (or experiences of others if you feel led to do that).

***I also wanted to point out that one of the commenters mentioned that a lot of psychics are scam artists. Many people become addicted to calling psychic hotlines and such. Again, I didn’t mention this in my blog post, but it is a VERY IMPORTANT FACT and is mentioned in the comments. Feel free to share your thoughts!

Several years ago, I took a trip alone to New Orleans. At the time, I was dating somebody and I was head-over-heels in love with this person. I wanted us to get married. I wanted this marriage to happen so badly that I visited a psychic in the French Quarter. I did this knowing it was wrong, but, I figured if she predicted this wedding, well, it would just make me feel better, make me feel more sure about my future. She asked me if I wanted to do tarot or palm reading. I told her I didn’t know. So she chose palm reading.

She told me to close my eyes and make a wish. I wished for marriage to my boyfriend. When I opened my eyes, she said in a soft voice, “Your wish is going to come true.” My heart jumped when I heard this. She then said, “The wish that you made about the man will come true.” She said we’d have four children. Surprisingly, she told me things about myself that were true. She even accurately predicted some things that would happen to me later that summer.

So, I hung onto the hope of things working out in my romantic relationship. I figured the psychic had to be right about my budding romance, after all, she’d accurately predicted other things that had happened in my life. When my euphoric romance abruptly ended several months later, I was stunned! The first thing I thought during the breakup was, “But that psychic said we’d get married!” It was horrible, and that false hope made things so much worse and I also regretted visiting that psychic! I begged the Lord for forgiveness and since then, when the subject comes up, I’ve always advised others not to dabble with psychics.

I was raised with the knowledge that we should avoid psychics. That was the first and only time that I’d ever done this.

So, have you ever visited a psychic and regretted it later? Leave a comment!

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~Cecelia Dowdy~

82 thoughts on “Sunday Brunch – The Danger Of Visiting A Psychic!

  1. janny crocket

    Ever since my husband got me divorced for the past 2 years, i v’e not been my self. I was reviewing some post of how i could get back my husband then, i saw a testimony shared by Marina Choas from SWEDEN about a spell caster named Dr. tunde. I contacted Marina Chaos to confirm about how Dr. tunde helped her and she clarified everything to me of how he helped her and that gave me the courage to get in touch with Dr. tunde for help. Dr. tunde assured me that my days of sorrows will be over within 48hours after he has finished with his work. I followed his instructions he gave to me because i had the believe, faith, hope and trust in him. Verily i say to you today that i and my husband are back together and i can proudly say and testify to the world of what Dr. tunde did for me. Also specialize in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, INFERTILITY, DIABETES AND MORE

  2. Anonymous

    Thanks for sharing your article. I have been tempted to call a psychic numerous times. Like you, I know that it is against God’s word but sometimes the pain of a shattered relationship and the desire to “know” can be overwhelming. Many years ago, I did call a psychic and I found it to be addictive.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      Hi, Anonymous
      Yes, thanks for commenting.
      I only went to the psychic that one time.
      I have a friend who went once – on a beach trip.
      He became addicted.
      I’m unclear as to if he still visits psychics since I’ve not asked him about that lately.
      Yes the desire to “know” is very overwhelming. Not only for romantic relationships but for other situations, too.

    2. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      Anonymous, I forgot to add that I’m a Christian romance novelist. I highly encourage you to read my novels. Chocolate Dreams is the first book in the Candy Beach Series. The hero, John, is an agnostic – he’s not sure if God exists. The heroine, Monica, is a Christian. Currently, Chocolate Dreams is 99¢. I highly encourage you to purchase a copy here:


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