ACFW Annual Conference In Dallas

I attended the ACFW Conference last week in Dallas! I had a truly awesome time! When I arrived on Thursday morning, I spoke with a few people on the shuttle. When we entered the hotel, we were told that our rooms were not ready, so me and a few other conference-goers enjoyed a tasty pasta-bar lunch before check-in.

After lunch, I picked up my registration and went to my room. There were a lot of people who who a part of this conference. I’d heard there were over four hundred, which is an awesome number since the membership is about 1,200. So, roughly, about one-third of the members came to this conference.

On Thursday night, there was a welcome reception. We had chicken, rolls and vegetables while we got acquainted with one another. The editor and agent panel was also great. Many people in the audience asked questions of the editors and agents and they responded. Barbour Publishing also awarded letters of intent to those unpublished authors whom they are planning to publish.

I also attended a late-night chat about blogging.

Friday, after a continental breakfast, I attended the professional track with Chip McGregor. He shared some really great information about the publishing business, and he also gave tips about budgeting your cashflow over time. He also have some statistics about the publishing world.

Liz Curtis Higgs was our keynote speaker during most of the conference. She’s really a humorous lady and she definately has a deep faith in the Lord.

I also had a few appointments with editors and agents this weekend. If I couldn’t get an appointment with an editor or agent, I would learn to find that person to speak with him/her.

All in all in the conference was a great experience. I also purchased the following books from the conference bookstore:
Family Guardian by Laurie Alice Eakes
Murder, Mayhem, and a Fine Man by Claudia Burney
Made Of Honor by Marilynn Griffith
Fresh-Brewed Love – a novella anthology by Barbour Publishing

Also, we received the following books as freebies:
Sands of Time by Susan May Warren
Embrace Grace by Liz Curtis Higgs
The Wedding Caper by Janice A. Thompson

I know the details about my trip are pretty sparse, but I have LOTS to do as a result of the outcome of my editor and agent appointments at the conference. If you want more details about a certain event at conference, feel free to email me or place your comment on this blog.

Until next time,
Cecelia Dowdy

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