Daily Archives: October 25, 2006

Dinner With A Perfect Stranger

This book reminded me of a study guide. Although it is fiction, I felt it didn’t entertain me the way a novel would. (For those of you who don’t know, I’m a Christian fiction addict!) However, I did like the book and thought the author bought up a lot of points that non-Christians and Christians may ask concerning, Jesus, God, the Trinity, and salvation. The book also mentioned how the main character was angry at God for taking his father away from him.

When Nick receives an invitation for dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant, he is floored when he discovers his host is none other than Jesus Christ in the flesh! At first, Nick is convinced that his coworkers are playing a prank on him. However, as the story unfolds during the appetizer, main course, dessert, coffee, etc., Nick discovers that he is NOT on the receiving end of a joke and this dinner with Jesus is the real thing!

Nick asks Jesus several questions about his divinity, the Bible, religions around the world, and about his past disappointments with God. Nick, a workaholic parent with a troubled marriage, finds his weak faith tested as he talks to Jesus. I would recommend this book as a ministering tool to those who have weak faith, or to those who are agnostics or atheists. For more information about this novel, go to the following website:


Stay blessed,
Cecelia Dowdy