Monthly Archives: January 2007

Family Christian Stores

I visited the Family Christian Bookstore located in Bowie Maryland about three weeks ago. They were having a huge sale since they were trying to get rid of their stock. I asked one of the workers if they were closing down and he said they were relocating to Annapolis Maryland.

I mentioned this store in an earlier post (November 4, 2006):

Until next time,
Cecelia Dowdy

Jury Duty

Yesterday, I had to go to the court house since I was summoned for jury duty. Alas, I did not have to end up serving on a jury. While I was waiting in that crowded room, I started up a conversation with a woman when I noticed she was reading the book John’s Story by Tim LeHaye and Jerry Jenkins. We talked for awhile about the Left Behind series, and when I noticed she had a Love Inspired bookmark, I touted the fact that I’d had a Love Inspired novel released back in February 2005, and I had a Heartsong coming out in March of 2008. It was nice to while the time away by speaking to somebody about Christian fiction, one of my favorite subjects.

Right now, I’m reading Made of Honor by Marilynn Griffith. So far, I’m enjoying it. I’ll post my full review once I’ve finished reading it.

Cecelia Dowdy

My Cover

This is the cover of my novel, First Mates. Thorndike Press released it has a large-print hardcover last July. I think I kind of like it better than the original Love Inspired cover, but both covers are nice.

Cecelia Dowdy

Acts 19:11-12

I know I’ll usually give a review or critique of a book I’ve recently read. However, in order to post to my blog more frequently, I’ve found that I have to talk about more than just the books that I’ve read. After all, I can only read so many books each month with my time so limited! I read the following in my Bible the other day. Just thought it was an interesting passage from the book of Acts:

Acts 19:11-12
11God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, 12so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.

That’s so cool, awesome and totally amazing! Can you imagine, an apron or handkerchief that had touched Paul could be taken to a sick person and the item could cure his/her illness and drive out evil spirits! Man….like, wow!!!

Paul’s miraculous miracles, stored in clothing items that he touched….


On to another subject. On one of my writers loops, they were discussing the release of the movie Thr3e, in selected theaters today. Me and my hubby may go and see it this weekend. Since the theaters where it’s showing are limited, I might have to drive a little distance to get to a local theater that is showing this movie.

The book really stayed with me, and after I see the movie, it’ll be interesting to compare it to the book. If anybody has seen both, feel free to post comments. My comments about Thr3e can be found in this earlier blog entry:

Cecelia Dowdy

No More Sea by Gloria Brandt

Barbour Publishing
Heartsong Presents
ISBN: 1-57748-548-3
Publication date: 1999

This book takes place on the Titanic, so, knowing what happens to the Titanic, the last third of it was somewhat predictable.

This book was different than most HP books I’ve read. First of all, the heroine, Esther, spends about half of her scenes with someone other than the hero! The story is somewhat of a love triangle since Philip, a non-believer, boards the ship and Esther is his stewardess. Intoxicated, Philip attacks Esther, and she escapes. She forgives him and a great deal of the first half of the book is Esther spending time with Philip, desperately trying to bring him to Christ.

John is actually the hero in the story. Esther has known him for years and they work together on the ship. She’s upset because he hints at marriage, but after six years of false promises, Esther is tired of waiting for John to pop the question.

As you can imagine, John gets jealous when he sees his beloved spending so much time with Philip, a rich boy from America. He is further angered when he sees her leaving Philip’s cabin in the middle of the night. He wonders what is going on between them, and as you read the story, you discover that Philip is an unhappy alcoholic who is practically borderline suicidal. Esther truly cares about what happens to Philip and she merely wants him to accept God’s grace for his sins.

Philip misinterprets Esther’s caring nature since she’s the first woman who has moved him so deeply. When he asks her to marry him, Esther is shocked, wondering if the Lord really wanted her to pursue Philip’s salvation so diligently.

The story does take on an unusual twist between John and Philip when the ship goes down, and since it is a romance, you can imagine how it ends.

Cecelia Dowdy