Acts 19:11-12

I know I’ll usually give a review or critique of a book I’ve recently read. However, in order to post to my blog more frequently, I’ve found that I have to talk about more than just the books that I’ve read. After all, I can only read so many books each month with my time so limited! I read the following in my Bible the other day. Just thought it was an interesting passage from the book of Acts:

Acts 19:11-12
11God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, 12so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.

That’s so cool, awesome and totally amazing! Can you imagine, an apron or handkerchief that had touched Paul could be taken to a sick person and the item could cure his/her illness and drive out evil spirits! Man….like, wow!!!

Paul’s miraculous miracles, stored in clothing items that he touched….


On to another subject. On one of my writers loops, they were discussing the release of the movie Thr3e, in selected theaters today. Me and my hubby may go and see it this weekend. Since the theaters where it’s showing are limited, I might have to drive a little distance to get to a local theater that is showing this movie.

The book really stayed with me, and after I see the movie, it’ll be interesting to compare it to the book. If anybody has seen both, feel free to post comments. My comments about Thr3e can be found in this earlier blog entry:

Cecelia Dowdy

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