Jury Duty

Yesterday, I had to go to the court house since I was summoned for jury duty. Alas, I did not have to end up serving on a jury. While I was waiting in that crowded room, I started up a conversation with a woman when I noticed she was reading the book John’s Story by Tim LeHaye and Jerry Jenkins. We talked for awhile about the Left Behind series, and when I noticed she had a Love Inspired bookmark, I touted the fact that I’d had a Love Inspired novel released back in February 2005, and I had a Heartsong coming out in March of 2008. It was nice to while the time away by speaking to somebody about Christian fiction, one of my favorite subjects.

Right now, I’m reading Made of Honor by Marilynn Griffith. So far, I’m enjoying it. I’ll post my full review once I’ve finished reading it.

Cecelia Dowdy

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