Daily Archives: March 1, 2007

Relationship Musings

My sister and I were having a conversation about relationships not too long ago. Romantic relationships interest me a lot, and I suppose that’s why I write romance fiction.

I’ve noticed when women say they have a boyfriend, it’s hard to really tell how serious the relationship is. The frequency that they see their “boyfriend” can range from a few times a year to several times a week! At times, when they say they have a boyfriend, the said “boyfriend” does not always reciprocate and claim to have a “girlfriend” when asked. Back in my single days, I dated somebody and we saw each other once or twice a week. I’d just assumed he was my “boyfriend” but we’d never really made a vocal committment to one another. It would be interesting to do a poll of men and women to see if a vocal committment is needed in order to claim to have a boyfriend or girlfriend, or is it just an automatic assumption since the couple sees each other so frequently?

The only terms, as far as relationships go, that seem pretty much mean the same to most people are fiancé, fiancée, husband, and wife.

These are just some interesting thoughts that were running through my brain recently…

Cecelia Dowdy