Daily Archives: March 22, 2007

Tilly By Frank Frank E. Peretti

Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Crossway Books; New Ed edition (July 7, 2003) Original copyright 1988
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1581345607
ISBN-13: 978-1581345605

When I was cleaning my messy house, I found this book buried amid a pile of old books I had stashed away. I read this book years ago, but I recall how much I enjoyed it, so I figured I would blog about it today. Tilly is the story about Kathy Ross. When she sees a small headstone, with only one date, she’s intrigued. She continues to be haunted by a mistake she made around the same time that’s displayed on the dated headstone. The headstone has only one name, Tilly.

Her grief continues as she recalls that point in her life, and when she sleeps, God speaks to her in her dreams, letting her see the child to whom she would have given birth.

Tilly touches upon a deep and taboo subject in most Christian fiction, and that’s abortion. Tilly is also a story about accepting God’s grace for our sins and since God has forgiven us, then we need to forgive ourselves.

Cecelia Dowdy