Monthly Archives: March 2007

The Purpose Driven Life Chapter 3, And Other Things

I read Warren’s chapter 3 last night. From what I recall, he basically said that we need to have a purpose in life. We can’t just aimlessly live our lives, that makes us feel worthless(or something like that.) Our purpose has to be Godly, though, in order for us to feel happy.

Tomorrow or tonight, I’m going to blog about soap operas. They can be pretty stupid, but I’m going to blog about them anyway!

Cecelia Dowdy

Christian-Themed Movies

Some of my writing friends were talking about this subject the other day, so I thought I’d blog about it. Since the release of Mel Gibson’s Passion Of The Christ, Hollywood has realized that Christian-themed movies are an untapped market. Now Hollywood is more focused about making more faith-based movies with Christian themes. The ones people have been talking about this year were Thr3e by Ted Dekker and The Last Sin Eater by Francine Rivers. Both are well-known Christian authors, so I’m assuming that may have been why their books were chosen to be made into movies. In an earlier blog posting, I’d mentioned going to see Thr3e, but I never got around to seeing it:

The following links are interesting if you want to read more about the subject:

Cecelia Dowdy

The Purpose Driven Life Chapter 2

I read chapter 2 of this book a couple of days ago. Warren basically says that we’re not accidents. God knows about our birth and death even before we are conceived. Of course, there are unplanned pregnancies, but no unplanned people on this earth(or something along those lines.)

I realized that this book was widely read, and was a bestseller for a long time. However, I didn’t realize it was so controversial! I did an internet search for the book to try and get other people’s thoughts and was surprised! I’m still planning on finishing the book and posting my thoughts as I go along.

On the fiction front, I started reading Simply Divine, a young-adult novel by Jacquelin Thomas. So far, I think it’s a great! She did an awesome job of creating Divine, the main character in the novel. I’ll post a full review of this novel once I’ve finished reading it.

Cecelia Dowdy

The Purpose-Driven Life

The Purpose Driven Life
Author: Rick Warren
ISBN: 0310205719
Pub. Date: October 2002
Also available in paperback. There are also Purpose-Driven Life journals available.

Most of you know that I read very little non-fiction (Christian or otherwise). This book has been sitting on my shelf for about two years now. When we joined our church, this book was given to all of the new members. I’ve only read the first of the forty passages. You’re supposed to read a passage a day for forty days. You’re not supposed to read it all at one time. Rick says that you need to digest the information given in each passage. The information relayed in the first passage, I’d heard before(where, I don’t know.) When thinking about our purpose, we shouldn’t think about ourselves, we should focus on what GOD
wants us to do. Why did He place us here on this earth? He also mentioned that self-help type books usually focus on our gaining earthly riches(or something similiar to that), trying to succeed, etc. He said that we shouldn’t focus on that, but just focus on God and His purpose for us.

I’ll probably blog about this every so often. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to read a passage a day, as Rick recommends.

Cecelia Dowdy

The International Women’s Fiction Festival

I happened to get a hold of this link through one of my writers’ listservs. This International Women’s Fiction Festival seems like it would be fun. Of course, since it’s in Italy, and I have familial and financial obligations, I’m certainly not planning on attending. It looks like something I would have thought about attending back when I was single and working for the travel agency. I used to get free airfare and I managed to get to Europe a couple of times at a very low cost. Check out the link to see what you think about the conference. Maybe sometime in the future, I might check it out! Who knows?

Cecelia Dowdy

Relationship Musings

My sister and I were having a conversation about relationships not too long ago. Romantic relationships interest me a lot, and I suppose that’s why I write romance fiction.

I’ve noticed when women say they have a boyfriend, it’s hard to really tell how serious the relationship is. The frequency that they see their “boyfriend” can range from a few times a year to several times a week! At times, when they say they have a boyfriend, the said “boyfriend” does not always reciprocate and claim to have a “girlfriend” when asked. Back in my single days, I dated somebody and we saw each other once or twice a week. I’d just assumed he was my “boyfriend” but we’d never really made a vocal committment to one another. It would be interesting to do a poll of men and women to see if a vocal committment is needed in order to claim to have a boyfriend or girlfriend, or is it just an automatic assumption since the couple sees each other so frequently?

The only terms, as far as relationships go, that seem pretty much mean the same to most people are fiancé, fiancée, husband, and wife.

These are just some interesting thoughts that were running through my brain recently…

Cecelia Dowdy