The Purpose-Driven Life

The Purpose Driven Life
Author: Rick Warren
ISBN: 0310205719
Pub. Date: October 2002
Also available in paperback. There are also Purpose-Driven Life journals available.

Most of you know that I read very little non-fiction (Christian or otherwise). This book has been sitting on my shelf for about two years now. When we joined our church, this book was given to all of the new members. I’ve only read the first of the forty passages. You’re supposed to read a passage a day for forty days. You’re not supposed to read it all at one time. Rick says that you need to digest the information given in each passage. The information relayed in the first passage, I’d heard before(where, I don’t know.) When thinking about our purpose, we shouldn’t think about ourselves, we should focus on what GOD
wants us to do. Why did He place us here on this earth? He also mentioned that self-help type books usually focus on our gaining earthly riches(or something similiar to that), trying to succeed, etc. He said that we shouldn’t focus on that, but just focus on God and His purpose for us.

I’ll probably blog about this every so often. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to read a passage a day, as Rick recommends.

Cecelia Dowdy

One thought on “The Purpose-Driven Life

  1. BarbC

    I read this several years ago and liked it. I do not believe it is the answer to all our questions as some folks do. I agree with much of what Warren says and I actually like that he uses different translations of the Bible throughout his book.

    I have heard negative comments about the book and Warren… and I have read of churches that have broken up because of the Purpose Driven craze. That is sad.

    I do disagree with Warren on a number of issues… but they have all risen outside the book. Without getting into great details, I think Warren allows too much focus on himself and his book and not enough on God. That said, I believe other authors do that. Plus I see him as a Christian leader who strives to be politically correct and doesn’t always stand on the Word. I see that in other leaders too.

    So for me, this is a good book to read… nothing I found to be blasphemous or heresy… but I have been disappointed by the author and am leery of his purpose. I am not sure he is as sold out for Jesus as he implies.

    I look forward to you take on the book.



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