Daily Archives: April 3, 2007

Creating Emotion

I was flipping through channels Sunday afternoon and I caught the last part of a great movie, Beaches. I saw this movie years ago and I recall loving it! One of the reasons I liked it so much is because of its emotional content. When Bette Midler’s best friend dies, it just makes you want to cry.

Another great movie that I absolutely love is Titanic. One of my favorite parts in that movie is when Jack holds Rose’s hand and they stand in the front of the ship, looking upon the water, Jack holding Rose in his arms, and she says it feels like flying! Oh, I love that scene!

When I write my stories, I try and create emotional scenes that’ll make my readers laugh, cry, and remember these people long after they’ve finished the book. When you watch your favorite movies, think about how you feel during certain scenes. Tap into these emotions and create stories that’ll have the same effect on your readers!

Cecelia Dowdy