Creating Wonderful Characters

I’ve found that I’m drawn to stories with strong, memorable characters. I’ve received questions from readers, who would like to pen a novel, asking how I create my characters. Every author has their own method, so this way might not necessarily work for everyone, however, I hope my advice, doled out over the next few days, will help aspiring writers to create wonderful people that readers will remember for a long time.

First off, your characters have to be real to you. They can’t be make-believe people because if you think of them as unreal, then your reader will too, and you want to avoid that.

I usually start by thinking about the person I’m trying to create. I get a mental image in my mind of what this character looks like. Sometimes, it might help to get an actual picture of a person in a magazine or a catalog, that closely resembles the person you are trying to create.

I then think about this person’s thoughts, mannerisms, likes, dislikes, upbringing, etc. These things roll throughout my head for several days before I even start doing my character sketches.

More about this subject tomorrow….


Cecelia Dowdy

2 thoughts on “Creating Wonderful Characters

  1. Barb C.

    Cecelia — have you read any of Karen Kingsbury’s books. I love her characters. They are very 3 dimensional and real.. good and bad in each… depth, personality… very real people to me. I can actually picture them in my mind.. not just their physical appearance, which she doesn’t really share much about, but also their expressions, mannerisms, voices, etc. I really love that! Makes her stories so real to me.

  2. Cecelia Dowdy

    Yes, I’ve read one book by Kingsbury: A Thousand Tomorrows! I have some other books by Kingsbury in my vast, steadily growing, to-be-read pile! Hopefully, I will get to read them soon and post reviews on this blog!


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