Monthly Archives: May 2007

Announcing The Christy Award Nominees

The Christy Awards recognizes excellence in Christian fiction written by contemporary authors and highlighting the breadth and diversity of Christian fiction. I hope to win one day! Sigh! Here’s a list of Christy Award nominees:

Dwelling Places by Vinita Hampton Wright (HarperOne)
Straight Up by Lisa Samson (WaterBrook Press)
Winter Birds by Jamie Langston Turner (Bethany House Publishers)

The Brethren by Beverly Lewis (Bethany House Publishers)
Escape from Fred by Brad Whittington (B&H Publishing Group)
The Proof by Austin Boyd (NavPress)

HISTORICAL (includes four titles due to a tie)
Glastonbury Tor by LeAnne Hardy (Kregel)
Grace in Thine Eyes by Liz Curtis Higgs (WaterBrook Press)
Madman by Tracy Groot (Moody Press)
Pieces of Silver by Maureen Lang (Kregel)

The Measure of a Lady by Deeanne Gist (Bethany House Publishers)
Monday Morning Faith by Lori Copeland (Zondervan)
The Redemption by M. L. Tyndall (Barbour)

The Begotten by Lisa T. Bergren (Berkley)
The Hidden by Kathryn Mackel (Thomas Nelson)
Plague Maker by Tim Downs (Thomas Nelson)

The Cubicle Next Door by Siri Mitchell (Harvest House Publishers)
Everything’s Coming Up Josey by Susan May Warren (Steeple Hill Café)
Sisterchicks in Gondolas by Robin Jones Gunn (Multnomah)

Bad Idea by Todd and Jedd Hafer (NavPress)
The Way of the Wilderking by Jonathan Rogers (B&H Publishing Group)
William Henry Is a Fine Name by Cathy Gohlke (Moody Press)

Watching the Tree Limbs by Mary DeMuth (NavPress)
Where Mercy Flows by Karen Harter (Center Street)
William Henry Is a Fine Name by Cathy Gohlke (Moody Press)

Left Behind

by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins
ISBN: 0842329129
Pub. Date: January 1996

Piloting his 747, Rayford Steele is musing about his wife Irene’s irritating religiosity and contemplating the charms of his “drop-dead gorgeous” flight attendant, Hattie. First Irene was into Amway, then Tupperware, and now it’s the Rapture of the Saints–the scary last story in the Bible in which Christians are swept to heaven and unbelievers are left behind to endure the Antichrist’s Tribulation. Steele believes he’ll put the plane on autopilot and go visit Hattie. But Hattie’s in a panic: some of the passengers have disappeared! The Rapture has happened, abruptly driverless cars are crashing all over, and the slick, sinister Romanian Nicolae Carpathia plans to use the UN to establish one world government and religion. Resembling “a young Robert Redford” and silver-tongued in nine languages, Carpathia is named People’s “Sexiest Man Alive.” (This reviewer, a former People writer, finds this plot twist plausible.) Meanwhile, Steele teams up with Buck Williams, a buck-the-system newshound, to form the Tribulation Force, an underground of left-behind penitents battling the Antichrist.


Blogging about the rapture a couple of days ago made me think about Left Behind, the story that began the series that was a major coup for Christian fiction. I read this book several years ago, but I recall I enjoyed it. When I read it, I think about the book of Matthew. There’s a scripture in Matthew that hauntingly reminds me of Left Behind.
Matthew 24:36-44
36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven,[e] but My Father only. 37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 40 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. 42 Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour[f] your Lord is coming. 43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

When I read Left Behind, it reminds me of the scripture quoted above. It’s hard for me to comment extensively about this book since I read it so long ago. I just know it was kind of spooky when all of those people were left behind and you have older teenaged children running around without parents(that subject in covered in the Left Behind YA series). People who were raptured were gone, leaving behind eyeglasses, tooth fillings, contact lenses, these types of things were left in the spot where the person was sitting/standing while they were raptured.

Cars were crashing into each other since there are now several driverless vehicles on the road. Imagine the horror of the people left on this earth if you’re driving down the highway and the car near you no longer has a driver, and is going sixty or seventy miles an hour!

I read a lot of the books in this series, but never got around to reading all of them. I believe I read the first three or four. I actually purchased The Mark at the now-extinct Mid-Atlantic Christian Writers Conference. Jerry Jenkins was the keynote speaker at the first Mid-Atlantic conference and he signed the book for me!

Cecelia Dowdy

Tribulation House By Chris Well

Product Details
ISBN: 0736917411
ISBN-13: 9780736917414
Format: Paperback, 272pp
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
From the Publisher

Mark Hogan has it all. The job. The family. A position on the board at church. All he’s missing is a boat. Not just any boat—a 2008 Bayliner 192.

When Reverend Daniel Glory announces that the Rapture is taking place on October 17 at 5:51am, Hogan realizes his boat—buying days are numbered. So he does what any man in his situation would do—he borrows a load of money from the mob.

Not that there’s any risk involved: After all, when the Rapture comes, Hogan will be long gone. The mob will never find him.

But when Jesus fails to come back on schedule, Mark Hogan finds the mob is in no mood to discuss the finer points of end—times theology…

Chris Well’s laugh—out—loud Christian thrillers appeal to the millions of readers who gobble up the rollicking crime fiction of Janet Evanovich and Elmore Leonard.

This book sounds interesting. I’ve ordered it from Amazon, and will post a review about it when I get around to reading it. Hogan’s actions, borrowing money from the mob since the rapture is coming, remind me of the actions of a religious organization that I’ve heard a lot about. I’d heard of one religious organization that predicted Christ’s second coming for 1975. I heard that people sold their homes, using the proceeds for ‘the cause’ in light of Christ’s return, only to be disappointed. The Bible says to beware of false prophets, and I think trying to predict the second coming of Christ and the rapture is a definite no-no!

Cecelia Dowdy

John French

John is a character in my book that’s to be released in March 2008. He’s unsaved since he’s an agnostic, he’s not sure if God exists. However, by the end of John’s Quest, my novel, he does accept Christ.

I wrote a character sketch for him before I began the novel. The sketch reveals his struggle, and when I did it, I discovered the reasons why he has a hard time believing in God.

When you fill out character sketches, that’s when you really get to know your characters. If it’s the character sketch of an unsaved person, like John, his viewpoints about certain things may be somewhat un-Christian. As you answer the questions for an unsaved character, you’ll find ways to turn those doubts into positive thoughts about God. I’m talking about the story that you’ll write may portray your unsaved character finally accepting Christ throughout the course of the novel.

After I fill out the character sketch, I will sometimes write a few paragraphs in first person from the viewpoint of the character that I’m creating. It just gives me more of an overview as to what makes this person tick, therefore making him seem more real to me.

Below is my character sketch of John French. It’s not necessarily grammatically perfect since I’m just doing this to get to know my character, and I’m the only one who will use this information as a guide when I write my novel.


Character Name: John French

Age: 39

Physical Characteristics: Tall, milky brown skin, dark curly hair

Best Feature: His piercing dark brown eyes and pretty hair

Worst Feature: His ugly feet

Feelings about their own looks: He’s somewhat arrogant about his good looks.

Clothes: Wears a lot of black clothing, he thinks it brings out his best features

Ethnic Background: His father and mother were African American

Siblings/Relatives: He has one deceased brother, who was seven when he died. He was blind and died of a rare form of blood disease. The heartlessness of his brother’s death just gave him more cause to not believe in God. Currently, since his brother is deceased, he’s an only child.

Neighborhood of Youth: He lived in a well-to-do affluent neighborhood. Both of his parents were tenured professors at a Virginia University. During the summer, they had jobs working in the labs. Both parents were scientist/atheists.

Education: He has a PHD in Science and a BS in Biology.

Church affiliation: none/Currently, he’s not sure if he believes in God, or if He even exists in this vast universe.

What they believe about God: Agnostic

Parent’s Attitudes about: Money/Getting Ahead: His parents always taught him about the value of saving money to get ahead. He considers himself to be very thrifty.

Discipline received: His parents were very strict in their discipline of him. He received whippings for things he’d done wrong.

Friends: Has a few friends from college, but he’s not as close to people as he’d like to be.

Special Opportunities: Since his parents were scientists/professors, he’s inherited a great scientific mind and he always feels there should be a logical explanation for everything. He’s unsure about God, but feels there should be proof about His existence before he accepts Him.

Spouse/Children: No spouse and no children.

Job: He’s a Biology/Science professor at Virginia Beach College.

Neighborhood: Lives in an affluent neighborhood in Virginia Beach.

Attitude about: Money/Getting Ahead: It’s important to save money and to give some money back to the community.

Sex: He loves having sex with beautiful women.

Hobbies: Gourmet cooking.

Favorite Foods: Spicy Cajun and Jamaican food.

Favorite Music: Old soul tunes and blues.

Favorite Movie/Book: Books about science and experiments. He also reads a great deal of science fiction.

Friends: He has two friends from college, who are his fraternity brothers, that he still has close contact with. He pledged Alpha Phi Alpha as an undergraduate, and his two best friends are his line brothers.(Berry and Marlon)

Fears/Inhibitions: He fears spending the rest of his life, lonely and alone. Since he has no living family, he hopes his friendships with his fraternity brothers last. He hates spending the holidays by himself, and he wonders, if it’s ever going to happen where he’ll have a wife and family.

Guilt: He feels guilty about not having a better relationship with his parents before their untimely deaths. As he got older, he became somewhat of a problem child for his parents, ignoring their rules. He never got over the death of his blind little brother, and since he shuns God, he desperately tries to find happiness through drugs, alcohol, and relationships with others. He’s always felt something has been missing in his life, however, he does not realize that “something” is a relationship with Jesus.

Longings/Goals: He longs to find the missing “something” in his life. He also wants to find a woman who is not merely dating him for his good looks and doctorate degree. Over the last few years, he’s only dated superficial women, and he has not been pleased with his love life. He longs to have a long-term, possibly marriage to a nice woman and have a few kids.

Weaknesses: He’s afraid of what might be lurking in the heavens. Does God really exist? His parents recent deaths, two years ago, have caused him to yearn to find the true meaning of God. He was shocked to discover that his parents had been studying the Bible, and had accepted Christ, shortly before they were killed in a car accident. His father had mentioned that he and his mother wanted to talk to him about something important. But John did not realize what that important “something” was until after their deaths. He figured they wanted to talk to him about their newfound Christianity.

Strong Points: He has a brilliant scientific mind, and he can usually figure out the solution to most common, ordinary, everyday problems.

Habits: Reads constantly. Will argue his point until the other party cries out “uncle!”

Pet Peeves: He hates materialistic, opportunistic women who are only wanting to date him because of his credentials. He also hates it when people give an opinion about something, but can’t back it up with fact. He likes having evidence to prove opinions(or to prove the opinion is wrong).

RULING TRAIT: the driving force, the trait that affects all their actions and reactions:
His bold argumentative mind. He is determined to argue down all things that don’t agree to his views. He hates being wrong, and he’s so stubborn and pig-headed that he has a hard time accepting others’ views, and understanding why others’ feel the way they feel about some things.

A character question: Does your character MAKE things happen or REACT to what happens? He makes things happen! Especially if he’s trying to prove a point!

What is the most significant/emotional things that have happened in your character’s life? Not solving the rift with his parents before their untimely death. He feels horrible about their rocky relationship, and since their deaths, he’s often wondered if things could have been patched up between them before they died. He wonders, if God really does exist, why he allowed his parents to be killed before they lived a full life.

He also wonders about his parents’ newly-found Christianity, shortly before they died. He wonders why they finally accepted Christ after raising him as an agnostic for his entire life.

He also wonders about the death of his blind little brother, Mark. John was a teenager when his brother died, and he wonders what life would have been like if Mark had lived. Due to his brother’s blindness, he’s felt an affiliation to blind people. He gives back to the community by tutoring visually impaired children as time allows. After his brother’s death, he felt torn and shattered. He then felt determined to make life easier for other blind children. He learned Braille and learned as much about blindness and visually impaired children. He got a special education degree, along with his BS in Science, since he wanted to be prepared to make a difference in blind young people’s lives.


He works as a scientist. Is he a research assistant? A researcher? Since his parents died fairly recently, he inherited both life insurance policies. He’s a fairly wealthy man right now, and doesn’t have to work if he doesn’t want to.
After his parents’ sudden death, he finds the courage to go through a box of their stuff. Two-three years after his parents’ deaths, he goes through boxes of stuff that has been left in their attic, unseen, since their death. He goes through the stuff, and discovers their recent church salvation, and discovers they’d planned on telling him about it. Stunned that his agnostic parents were Christians upon their deaths, he decides to go to church to see what he’s been missing in his life.

He doesn’t want the congregation to know about his background because he feels they’ll be shocked and judgmental. He keeps it a secret, for a while, and spends time within the church, seeing what it was that his parents saw in organized religion and in God’s plan for mankind.

Hi, my name is John French. The first thing you should know about me is that I’m an agnostic. That’s right, I’m not sure if God really exists, and if he does, I don’t understand why he allows things to happen. For example, why did my parents have to die? They hadn’t even reached retirement age yet, and they were killed in that car accident, shortly after they accepted Christ. Seems to me, if they accepted Christ, as I heard they did, they would have survived that accident and still be here with me today. Also, if God existed, why did my little brother Mark die? Not only was he sick, but he was blind, too. In spite of his illness, Mark was a happy child. I don’t even thing he suffered all that much before his death. I just don’t understand why he had to die so young. Why?

The second thing you need to know about me is, I’m a science professor at Virginia Beach University. I teach Biology and Chemistry to undergrads. I enjoy teaching kids about the world of science and explaining why things are the way that they are. I guess you could say my scientist mind is a reason why I’m an agnostic. Why does God exist? Prove it! I just want proof, and that’s it.

Not only do I have my PhD, but I also have two bachelor’s degrees, one is in special education. I’m licensed to teach special education, but I rarely use my talent in the classroom. I usually teach blind and visually-impaired children that need extra help on the side. I tutor kids, as time permits, as kind of a community service thing. The school board has my name on file, and when parents contact me, the first thing they want to do is know how much I charge. Half of the time they think I’m kidding when I say that I don’t charge anything for my services. I like teaching kids, and being around blind students makes me feel like I’m with my little brother again, helping him with his lessons.

Lately, I’ve been feeling lonely. Why? I’m not sure. I’ve been craving the company of a nice woman, but I can’t seem to find somebody who wants to just be with me because I’m me. They’re always amused to find out that I have a PhD, and then, after a few dates, I swear they’re singing the Wedding March! I’ve been feeling disgruntled lately, wondering what to do with my life. I enjoy teaching, and helping the blind kids, but I feel as if I should be doing more, but I’m not sure what. Should I quit teaching and try to find a job in a lab, trying to find some miraculous cure for a deadly disease? Should I sign up for more community service work to fill those empty hours?

My parents have been dead for two years, and during those years, I’ve been going through an emotional dilemma. After their deaths, I was contacted by the members of their new church home. I’d discovered that both of my parents had been recently baptized, only a few weeks, before their deaths! The last time I’d spoken to my dad, he said he’d wanted to discuss something important with me, but not over the phone. I’d agreed to come and visit sometime over the next month or so, but that time never came since they died in the car accident.

I’d always wondered how my parents came to know Christ, and had kept it a secret for so long. I recall when one of the congregation people called me to express condolences that I could be assured that my parents were in heaven. What’s heaven? Just the sky and the stars! I grew up being taught there was no heaven or hell for that matter. I’d wanted to ask the pastor questions about their salvation, but couldn’t bring myself to do so. I was so sick with grief, and now…now, I wish I had spoken to him. I might contact him to find out just how he was able to convince my parents to become Christians.

I’ve also thought about going to church myself, but just haven’t found enough courage to go into the building. I usually pull into the parking lot and sit there, but not go into the building. To tell you the truth, I’ve only been inside churches for weddings and funerals. I’ve never taken it upon myself to go inside to just hear the message. I didn’t think it was important.

Now I’m starting to wonder, and I hate to say, I’m starting to doubt my upbringing. I’m thinking about attending that small church called Virginia Beach Christian Church. It’s not far from where I live and I pass it everyday when I drive home. It’s a small white church with yellow and white flowers planted on the grounds. A few times I’ve driven past and seen a gardener working the soil, preparing it for new flowers to be planted.

I might show up and see what it’s all about. Of course, I’m not going to let the people know that I’m an agnostic. I don’t want to shock them, after all.

Cecelia Dowdy

Eleanor Clark Interview

Here’s an interview with author Eleanor Clark. She writes wholesome historical books for young girls! Enjoy!


Interview with Children’s Author, Eleanor Clark

Eleanor Clark is the author of THE ELEANOR SERIES, a collection of seven historically accurate novels based on her own family’s history.

Congratulations on your series of books for girls. How long have you wanted to write for children?

About three years ago, I attended a Bible Study and after I finished the study, I was asked how I could become a disciple for Christ. Without thinking, I said, “I would like to write children’s books. One day I was teaching my home-schooled grandchildren history, and found myself having so much fun! I decided it would be a wonderful idea to put together a series of books for children that incorporated elements from American history, honing in on my own family’s journey through the centuries.

This is a fun series of books for contemporary girls. Tell us a little bit about the project and how you came to write it.

I had penned another set of children’s books. When discussing my works with the publisher, he suggested that we use the stories that I had written as a legacy to my children as THE ELEANOR SERIES. In July, 2005, I set out to write this series. I put together an outline, starting in the 1600’s with my family’s journey from Wales to England to Virginia, (as detailed in MARY ELIZABETH: WELCOME TO AMERICA/Book One in the series) and from there, seven books were born.

What do you like most about writing historically accurate books? Are there any challenges involved?

I enjoy writing historically accurate books because we can learn from our rich American history. Books such as THE ELEANOR SERIES evoke memories of the past. The biggest challenge is to do an adequate amount of careful research. You might think you know what life was like in 1760’s North Carolina, for example, (as in VICTORIA GRACE: COURAGEOUS PATRIOT/Book Two in the series) until you actually start writing about it. Getting everything right – the setting, the ambiance, the dialect, etc. is tough! So, checking and double-checking all of the details is critical.

What sparked the idea of presenting your family’s real historical events in a fictional setting?

I have always had a love of history and love for my faith. As I looked back over my life and the history of my family, I saw a great opportunity to put together a series of books that would be entertaining and fun, teach history, and focus on American history and its Christian heritage, as well as the faith of my family. And, as mentioned above, leaving a legacy for my children and grandchildren was very important to me. As a family member began to research our genealogy, I got excited about the possibilities of fictionalizing our own stories to accomplish this. For example, members of my family traveled west from Tennessee to Texas in the 1800’s, and I was able to detail this in KATIE SUE: HEADING WEST/book three in the series.

Which character from THE ELEANOR SERIES is your favorite, and why?

The character of Sarah Jane from book four (SARAH JANE: LIBERTY’S TORCH) is my very favorite. It was fun (and easy) to see through a child’s eyes the train trip from Philadelphia to New York City to see the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty. And I love the fact that Sarah Jane learned to let her light shine, just like Lady Liberty.

I understand that you speak to children quite often. Tell us about one of your favorite speaking engagements.

It is a great thrill to speak to children. As a younger mother (and now grandmother), I felt that it was my mission to teach character traits and the love of God to my children and my grand children. Now, I feel led to teach other children through my writings the same values. One of my favorite times was when I was signing books and a little girl came up to me and asked, “Are you the author?” When I replied, “yes” with wide eyes, she asked, “Are you the real live author?” And, how fun to think that I’m not just the author, I’m also a character in book five, ELEANOR JO: FARMER’S DAUGHTER, as well as ELEANOR JO: A CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER (the kick-off book for the series).

What is one thing you would like today’s children to learn?

I would hope and pray that my readers would take away a deep love of their country, an understanding of history, a love of reading, and a deep commitment to Christ. I am passionate about my faith and my country, and I hope this shows in every page of the series. I’m particularly excited about teaching children to leave a legacy to their children and grandchildren, as I do in book six of the series, MELANIE ANN: LEAVING A LEGACY.

Who is your greatest inspiration, and why?
My mother is my greatest inspiration. She loved me unconditionally and taught my siblings and me the real meaning of Christian values, patriotism, and most of all our faith in God. Also, other great inspirations were my grandmothers who lived years ago and their lives taught me so much. Each book teaches one of my seven grand daughters about life and love.

Where can readers buy your books?

The books can be bought on my website:, Barnes and Noble, Christian bookstores, and on line.

How can readers pray for you?

I would appreciate very much the readers and their friends to pray that God will continue to give me strength and health to fulfill the mission God has called me to do so that I can visit as many children as I can. I hope to make history come alive for them, and teach them about character traits and the love of God. I also love to hear from my readers. They can reach me at

I hope you all enjoyed Eleanor’s interview!
Cecelia Dowdy

White Chocolate Moments By Lori Wick

No, I have not read this book, so I can’t review it, but doesn’t the cover look scrumptious? I love white chocolate and I usually indulge in a white chocolate bunny during Easter, yum!

I’d said I would post a sample of a character sheet filled out for one of the characters in my published novels.

However, it’s late, and I’m downstairs using the wireless network on the new laptop I purchased with part of my advance money. Needless to say, I don’t have the character sheet stored on this laptop.

I will post the character sheet within the next couple of days.

Cecelia Dowdy

Creating Characters

I started talking about this subject a little bit here.

When creating characters, you’ll need to get to know them. I do this by filling out a character chart, where I’ll answer a series of questions about my characters. It’s good to use a chart because you want a broad range of information about your character, however, you don’t want to overload your mind with useless information. For example, it might not be important for you or your reader to know that your character had a cat named Spencer when she was in the fifth grade. However, your reader may find it interesting to know that your character likes animals, and that your character’s love of animals inspired her to become a veterinarian! The following list of questions can be used as a guide. You can probably find a similiar list of questions on other writers’ websites if they have sections on character development.


Character Name: Age:
Physical Characteristics:

Best Feature:
Worst Feature:
Feelings about their own looks:
Ethnic Background:
Neighborhood of Youth:
Church affiliation:
What they believe about God:
Parent’s Attitudes about: Money/Getting Ahead: Sex:
Discipline received:
Special Opportunities:
Attitude about: Money/Getting Ahead: Sex:
Favorite Foods:
Favorite Music:
Favorite Movie/Book:
Strong Points:
Pet Peeves:

RULING TRAIT: the driving force, the trait that affects all their actions and reactions:

A character question: Does your character MAKE things happen or REACT to what happens?
What is the most significant/emotional things that have happened in your character’s life?

Also, another list of questions I’ve used in the past, is from a book entitled The Writer’s Digest Sourcebook for Building Believable Characters by Marc McCutcheon ISBN: 0-89879-683-0 Pages 34-48. I did not post the list from this book here, however, I encourage all who are struggling with character development to get this book and use it as another guide in helping with building characters. I used this book a great deal when I first started writing and was just learning how to develop my characters.

Also, if you are writing an inspirational novel, it’s important to know your character’s views about God and religion before you begin your story. Also, maybe you’ll want a focus a bit about your character’s religious upbringing. For example, was he/she raised in a Christian home? Were his/her parents atheists?

Here is a blog post where I fill out a character sheet for the hero in my Christian Romance Novel, John’s Quest.

Cecelia Dowdy

Creating Wonderful Characters

I’ve found that I’m drawn to stories with strong, memorable characters. I’ve received questions from readers, who would like to pen a novel, asking how I create my characters. Every author has their own method, so this way might not necessarily work for everyone, however, I hope my advice, doled out over the next few days, will help aspiring writers to create wonderful people that readers will remember for a long time.

First off, your characters have to be real to you. They can’t be make-believe people because if you think of them as unreal, then your reader will too, and you want to avoid that.

I usually start by thinking about the person I’m trying to create. I get a mental image in my mind of what this character looks like. Sometimes, it might help to get an actual picture of a person in a magazine or a catalog, that closely resembles the person you are trying to create.

I then think about this person’s thoughts, mannerisms, likes, dislikes, upbringing, etc. These things roll throughout my head for several days before I even start doing my character sketches.

More about this subject tomorrow….


Cecelia Dowdy

In High Places By Tom Morrisey

Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: Bethany House (March 1, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0764203460
ISBN-13: 978-0764203466

From the inside cover:
A breath from tragedy, a whisper from glory.

For Patrick Nolan, every climb tells a story. And now maybe it’s his own…He’s right at the rim, staring over the cliff’s knife edge and wondering how things went wrong so quickly.

It all started after arriving home from a weekend climbing trip with his father, Kevin. That’s when word reached them. In a silent moment, they’d lost the person most important to them — her death raising unanswerable questions and dangerous doubts.

Launching a new life in a new town to escape their pain, son and father find themselves in danger of being torn apart forever. As his father seeks a route to solace on the dangerous high face of the rock, Paterick finds a path to hope with the unlikeliest of allies — a pastor’s daughter. Together they must discover the one answer that can bring Patrick and Kevin back from the brink of the precipice.


I really enjoyed this book. I’m not much into rock climbing, or any type of sport for that matter, but the book was a good read. After Patrick’s mother’s sudden death, him and his father, Kevin, open a rock-climbing store in West Virgina.

I really liked the twist near the end.(SPOILER BELOW, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT YET READ THE BOOK)
The twist I’m talking about is when we discover that Patrick’s mother’s death may have not been a suicide. Also, since I’m a romance novelist, I enjoyed reading about the flourishing romance between Patrick and Rachel, however, I wish I could have changed the ending, and made it so that they were together at the end! I was so disappointed that they hooked up with other people!

Patrick’s faith was something he had to learn late in life on his own since neither of his parents ever attended church. When he accepted Christ, and then was baptized by Preacher, and started going to Rachel’s church regularly, made it a book truly worth reading. Then his newfound relationship with Christ caused a rift between him and his father, a rift that did eventually iron itself out, somewhat, however, we’re left wondering if his father really did accept Christ before his tragic death.

I also loved how Patrick and Rachel accidentally came across his deceased mother’s Bible, and they found evidence that she had, indeed, accepted Christ before her untimely death. I was relieved when I read that part. I know these people are not real, but when a writer does a great job with developing his/her characters, I sometimes forget that I’m reading about fictional people.

Oh, another unique thing about this book, which I loved, is that it takes place in the seventies! I grew up in the seventies, and hope to write a book of my own one day that takes place during that timeframe!

I highly recommend this book as a good, satisfying read. It’s a little bit different than most of the books that I read, but different in a good sort of way. Also, it’s told in the first person, which is not something I see in books very often nowadays.

Cecelia Dowdy