Monthly Archives: July 2007

Happy Birthday To Me!!

My editor at Barbour Publishing sent me this book for my reading pleasure! I look forward to diving into it!

I just finished reading Black by Ted Dekker. Whenever I read something outside my normal genre of romance, women’s fiction, or just “regular” Christian fiction, I always feel like I’m ready to read a few novels within the realm of my normal reading tastes. I know, it might be hard to get my point from the previous sentence. I guess I’m trying to say that fantasy and science fiction is not usually on my to-be-read list, although I do read a few of those titles occasionally. However, I don’t think I could read them all the time, the same way I read romance, WF, and non-sci-fi/fantasy Christian fiction.

Not to suggest Black is abnormal, just kind of deep and full of symbolism. The book was good, and I’m sure it took a lot of work and thought to create a alternate universe like Dekker did.

I’ll be blogging about that shortly!

Cecelia Dowdy

Unicorns In The Bible??

I know, sounds a bit weird, but I recalled reading some scriptures in the King James Version (the old one) that had the word unicorn. They were Old Testament scriptures, and I rememeber when I first read them when I was a kid, someone told me that it meant goat?

Well, I guess my reading the book Black by Ted Dekker, with his fantastical/sci-fi world, made me think about those unicorn Old Testament scriptures again. I went onto and looked up the old/original King James version for the word unicorn. Here are the scriptures it lists:

Numbers 23:22
God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn.

Numbers 24:8
God brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn: he shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows.

Deuteronomy 33:17
His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.

Job 39:9
Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?

Job 39:10
Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?

Psalm 22:21
Save me from the lion’s mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns.

Psalm 29:6
He maketh them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion like a young unicorn.

Psalm 92:10
But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.

Isaiah 34:7
And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness.

I then went into and looked up unicorn. I’ll copy and paste the definition below, however, I’d like to point out that I’m still wondering why the word unicorn was used in the first place since they are not talking of the mythical creature. It appears they were talking about a rhino or a wild ox, so I would have just called it a rhino or a wild ox when doing the translation. However, perhaps, at the time, the unicorn didn’t carry the same meaning as it does today, as far as animals are concerned? I’m no Biblical scholar, so it’s hard for me to give any insight on this matter. Here’s what had to say as far as what a unicorn means in the Bible:

4. an animal mentioned in the Bible, Deut. 33:17: now believed by some to be a description of a wild ox or rhinoceros.

Online Etymology Dictionary – unicorn

c.1225, from O.Fr. unicorne, from L.L. unicornus (Vulgate), from noun use of L. unicornis (adj.) “having one horn,” from uni- “one” (see uni-) + cornus “horn” (see horn). The L.L. word translates Gk. monoceros, itself rendering Heb. re’em, which was probably a kind of wild ox. According to Pliny, a creature with a horse’s body, deer’s head, elephant’s feet, lion’s tail, and one black horn two cubits long projecting from its forehead. Cf. Ger. Einhorn, Welsh ungorn, Bret. uncorn, O.C.S. ino-rogu.

Easton’s 1897 Bible Dictionary – Unicorn
described as an animal of great ferocity and strength (Num. 23:22, R.V., “wild ox,” marg., “ox-antelope;” 24:8; Isa. 34:7, R.V., “wild oxen”), and untamable (Job 39:9). It was in reality a two-horned animal; but the exact reference of the word so rendered (reem) is doubtful. Some have supposed it to be the buffalo; others, the white antelope, called by the Arabs rim. Most probably, however, the word denotes the Bos primigenius (“primitive ox”), which is now extinct all over the world. This was the auerochs of the Germans, and the urus described by Caesar (Gal. Bel., vi.28) as inhabiting the Hercynian forest. The word thus rendered has been found in an Assyrian inscription written over the wild ox or bison, which some also suppose to be the animal intended (comp. Deut. 33:17; Ps. 22:21; 29:6; 92:10).

I believe the Original King James Version was the only one using the word unicorn, however, there may be other versions using it that I’m not aware of. Just thought it was interesting.

I’m almost finished with Black. I’ll be posting a review about sometime this week, probably.

Cecelia Dowdy

Grilled Corn

I know I usually focus on books and writing, however, occasionally, I’ll post a recipe that I’ve tried. My hubby and I made corn on the grill last weekend and it was yummy! We used white sweet corn. For all of you summer barbeque fans, this is a recipe you might want to try!


2 ears of corn for each person
1 tablespoon butter for each ear of corn
3 tablespoons crushed ice for each ear of corn
aluminum foil or foil pockets
salt, to taste

Husk corn and rinse. Heat grill to 350F.
Cut a rectangle of aluminum foil large enough to wrap each corn cob twice. Place each corn in the center of foil with the shiny side in. Add 3 tablespoons crushed ice and 1 tablespoon butter.

It’s important to wrap the corn with the aluminum foil so that the edges of the foil are crimped and sealed securely so that as the ice melts, the liquid will be retained in the foil pocket. Make an envelope with the foil and double fold the edges, then place the seams on the top.

Place the corn pockets on the hot grill and cook for 30 minutes or so, turning over half way through cooking time. (Length of cooking time will vary depending on the tenderness, variety and age of the corn – some types of corn may be done in half the time).

Skin By Ted Dekker

No, I haven’t read this book. I don’t even own this book (although I’ll probably get around to either buying it or checking it out of the library and reading it.)

I just thought it was interesting that I saw this book in the fiction/literature section in the Books A Million bookstore in Beltway Plaza in the College Park/Greenbelt area in Maryland. I thought they would have placed this book in the Christian fiction section.

The only reason I’m blogging about this is because I think it’s awesome that his book was in the regular fiction section. Somebody who wouldn’t necessarily pick up a Christian fiction title might give this one a try simply because of where they have it shelved. They might not necessarily know it’s a Christian title until they start reading it.

Until next time,

Cecelia Dowdy

Black Christian Fiction Book Clubs

A reader named Stacy contacted me with the following question:

Cecelia I love your books…unfortunately were I live (NM) they do not carry many AA Christian Fiction books at the library.

Has anyone found a Black Christian Fiction book club? We really need one…the ones I have found don’t carry many AA authors.

Please let me know.

I had to contact Stacy to determine what she meant. The term book club appears to have a double meaning nowadays. I asked her if she meant the gatherings that people have periodically to discuss books, or if she meant the book club where you receive catalogs in the mail and order the titles of your choice.

She meant the latter.

The truth is, there are no Black Christian fiction book clubs that I know about. If they exist, then someone should respond to this post and enlighten me!

One way that you can purchase commercially-published Black Christian fiction from a book club is through Black Expressions Book Club. I’ve noticed they’ll usually have an African American Christian fiction section in their catalogs and on their website.

My first book, which was released exclusively through book clubs, was an African American Christian fiction title. It was acquired and featured in Crossings Book Club first and a month or so later it was featured in Black Expressions Book Club catalog as the feature of the month.

Crossings is another bookclub that features Christian titles only. They’ve had a number of African American Christian fiction titles over the years.

Most of the book clubs are owned by a company called Bookspan. Bookspan is a company that is a merger between Bertelsman(The Doubleday Book Club Empire) and AOL Time Warner.
About Bookspan
Unless things have changed, I believe this is still the case. I would think if an African American Christian Fiction book club were to be started, then Bookspan would do it? I’m just speculating about this because although I know the business side, somewhat, I have no idea of how somebody would go about contacting Bookspan about starting an African American Christian fiction book club. I suppose one could send an email to Bookspan via their website to make a suggestion about starting a Black Christian Fiction Book Club, but it’s hard to say how the results would pan out!

The best I’ve been able to do, as I’m sure Stacy has probably already noticed, is to start a website exclusively for Black Christian Fiction Authors. I created this website since I noticed that I had a hard time finding a collective unit on the web which displayed all African American Christian fiction authors. I hope readers find it useful.

Until next time,
Cecelia Dowdy

Redemption by Jacquelin Thomas

ISBN: 0451217640
Pub. Date: March 2007

From the inside cover:

Renowned televangelist Warner Brice has met the woman of his dreams — Marin Alexander, an acress blessed with both beauty and deep faith. Despite the differences in their careers, the marriage seems made in heaven, and Marin agrees to give up celebrity for motherhood. But for Marin, the provocative lure o f the spotlight and the wayward gratifications of fame are too desirable to leave behind…

Reviving her career is more difficult than Marin imagined. Seduced into a dark Hollywood underworld of drugs and illicit sex, she falls into a downward spiral — one that threatens not just her family, but her life as well. And when the limelight proves as elusive as the pleasures it promises, Marin discovers that her only hope is her last: a prayer for redemption before all she really loves is lost forever.

I’ve noticed Jacquelin Thomas loves writing about the Hollywood life. I’ve read several other stories by this author in which she has a Hollywood star as the main character.

This book portrayed a lot of obstacles for Warner and Marin to overcome. First, he was a preacher of a large, well-known church. Marin is a famous actress. It’s nearly impossible to mix the two, which is why the couple had to overcome so many problems just to get married and stay married. Warner’s sister never really accepts Marin into the family, and Marin struggles with her self-image due to her mother’s ridiculing comments.

I loved this story, however, the ending really surprised me. I wasn’t expecting the book to end the way that it did. I’d highly recommend this book if you want to read a story about how we need to really keep centered on our faith in order to overcome all obstacles in a romantic (or any) relationship. It takes a man of great faith (like Warner) to take Marin back after all that she’d done to hurt him.

Here are a few other books by Jaquelin Thomas that I’ve read and enjoyed:

Christian Fantasy

In light of the next (and I believe final?) Harry Potter book hitting the stores tomorrow, I thought I’d post this link with an article from the Washington Post about Christian Fantasy.

Also, I’ll remind you that I blogged a bit about Harry Potter versus Left Behind a few months ago. You’ll find my post here:

Harry Potter Versus Left Behind

Also, I’m trying to finish up another manuscript, so my blog posts won’t be frequent over the next few days.

Cecelia Dowdy

Bethany House Giving Away Free Books

Bethany House has encouraged all to pass on the information below! If you fill out the survey, you could win a free novel!

We at Bethany House Publishers appreciate our readers opinions about the books we publish. Occasionally, we seek your input about upcoming products.

Currently, we are conducting a survey about the cover image for an upcoming novel. For your time, we are offering a giveaway in conjunction with this survey. You will be able to choose from ten recent Bethany House novels, and there will be ten winners. Winners will be notified within two weeks.
Thank you for your participation, and feel free to forward this email on to your friends or link the survey on your website. The survey will be available through Friday, July 20.

And The Winner Is….

Romance Writers of America (RWA) presented their annual RITA awards last night. The winner of the Inspirational category is:

by Tamera Alexander
ISBN: 0764201093
Pub. Date: November 2006
Series: Fountain Creek Chronicles Series, #2

Many congrats to Tamera!

Cecelia Dowdy