Daily Archives: July 4, 2007

Urban Christian Books

I’m sure many of you have heard of Carl Weber. Well, he owns his own publishing company called Urban Books. I recently discovered that my Black Christian Fiction website was missing several great authors that have been contracted by Urban Books as part of their Urban Christian line. I’m familiar with a few of the authors like Vanessa Miller (we sat beside each other at the last Faith-Based Fiction Lovers Weekend during the book signing), and Kendra Norman-Bellamy (I know her from the Faith-Based Arts conferences and I’ve read her novels). However, the other authors are new to me, and some of them have signed their first book deals with Urban Christian.

It’ll be interesting to see how well these books will do. I have a feeling that they will sell quite well! I’ve added the Urban Christian authors to my Black Christian Fiction website!

Cecelia Dowdy