Author Interview With Suzanne Woods Fisher

Copper Star
Paperback: 292 pages
Publisher: Vintage Romance Publishing (June 30, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0979332745
ISBN-13: 978-0979332746

Author Bio:
A contributing editor to Christian Parenting Today magazine, Suzanne has been published in numerous magazines, including Worldwide Challenge, Parent Life, Marriage Partnership, among others, and has contributed to five non-fiction books. She lives with her husband, four kids and a steady stream of puppies that she raises for Guide Dogs for the Blind in the San Francisco Bay Area. Find Suzanne on-line at

About Copper Star:

Copper Star is a World War II love story set in 1943, as theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer smuggles a young resistance worker, Louisa, out of Nazi Germany. Louisa waits out the war in a dusty copper mining town in Arizona but can’t leave her resistance skills behind. Soon, she turns the town upside down, uncovering a mystery that leads her back to the Nazis and her war-torn country.

Released on June 30, the film rights of Copper Star are under consideration by a major motion picture studio. A contract for the sequel was offered to Fisher before Copper Star released. Pre-release orders have driven the book on Amazon’s sales rankings down into low digits.

Copper Star is already garnering rave reviews: Round Table Reviews writes, “The action in the story is moving quickly, and the character of Louisa is a lovable, somewhat feisty young woman who does not mind the taste of shoe leather… A wonderful book that is highly recommended for all readers.” Historical Novels Review notes, “Copper Star’s plot builds in conflict and excitement, and its tender romance warms the heart.”

A thorough researcher, Fisher’s can’t-put-it-down tale is woven with historical accuracy. A refreshing element of cultural deafness is portrayed through a deaf child, who learns to lip-read and speak through correspondence classes from the John Tracy Clinic, founded in 1942 by Louise and Spencer Tracy. “We are thrilled that our history coincides so beautifully with your story,” says Barbara Hecht, President of John Tracy Clinic, Los Angeles, California in her endorsement of Copper Star.

Author Interview with Suzanne:

Q: What’s the best thing about writing?

A: All of life is material. It’s all grit for the oyster.

Q: What’s the worst thing about writing?

A: I still only make a dime an hour.

Q: How have you used your gift of writing for God?

A: For most of my adult life, I could relate to that one-talent miser in Jesus’ parable (Luke 19:11-17). Plenty of other writers had been given five or even three talents. I seemed to have been dispensed a measly one. Who would even notice if I kept it buried, risk-free?

To give that a writerly twist, if I couldn’t write a bestselling, knock-it-out-of-the-ballpark book, then I probably shouldn’t even try to write a book at all.

Slowly it dawned on me that I had completely missed the point of that parable. God wasn’t asking for THE best, but MY best. Finally, I felt the freedom to try to use my one talent for His glory, regardless of its success. That was when I started this novel, Copper Star.

I’ve really enjoyed this interview! Suzanne has shared a wealth of knowledge from which all writers can benefit!

Cecelia Dowdy

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