Do You Ever Wonder….

Do authors write novels to get over their issues? This thought popped into my head tonight as I was getting my toddler son ready for bed. I’m wondering if authors have problems and issues that they’ve been struggling with, and to deal with these problems/issues, they write novels, letting their characters resolve their problems in the story.

Just a thought….

Cecelia Dowdy

One thought on “Do You Ever Wonder….

  1. Cmate

    I don’t know about authors. However, I do know I love writing stories and fictions and poems because I love putting the issues that are dearest to my heart into words. And to have others have a piece of what is dear to me, that itself is satisfactory.

    And yes, I do let my characters resolve my problems in the fiction world. After all, I can’t control the story of my life, but at least I can control the novels.


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