The Pastor’s Woman By Jacquelin Thomas

Mass Market Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Kimani (September 1, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0373860323
ISBN-13: 978-0373860326

Book Description
New preacher Wade Kendrick might as well have taken out an ad for a wife—all the church mamas paraded their daughters in front of him every Sunday. But after a tainted past, Wade wanted a reserved, traditional woman. Everything his star gospel singer was not. But he only had eyes for her—Pearl Lockhart, aka Ms. Wrong.

Pearl had her eye on gospel stardom. She didn’t fit into the preacher man’s world any more than he fit into hers. But he was one fine black man—and their sexual chemistry downright sizzled. What was a sister to do?

Okay, I wasn’t sure if this book was considered Christian fiction or not. I now Jacquelin Thomas is considered a Christian fiction author, but this title was released under Kimani’s regular/traditional romance line. After reading the story, I felt the tone and story fit the mold of Jacquelin’s Christian fiction titles. If you enjoyed her other titles, I can just about guarantee you’ll like this one.

As Jacquelin usually does, she has somebody looking for stardom (in past books, she’ll may have somebody already in the realm of Hollywood). Part of the conflict is that Pearl wants to be a famous singer. She works long hours in a restaurant, using her money to make demo tapes to send to record companies. She’s crushed when she gets rejected by the record companies, but her dreams never die.

Wade has a troubled past. The tragic death of his brother has caused a rift in the relationship between him and his mother. Since he’s a pastor, he’s not sure if beautiful, wanna-be-famous Pearl would be the right mate for him. Also, before finding love, he needs to make peace with his past mistakes, and heal his current familial relationship.

This story was a good read that teaches us all about the lessons of love and forgiveness.

Cecelia Dowdy

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