Monthly Archives: January 2008

Sick and Tired

I’ve been battling a cold for the last two weeks, and my hubby’s been sick too! Over the last week and a half my husband’s already had two doctor’s visits to a surgeon, spent one evening in the emergency room, had outpatient surgery, and had one visit with his primary care physician! It’s been busy around here! We just need healing in this household! If you feel so inclined, please whisper (or shout!) a prayer of healing for us.

If you won a book on this blog last week, I just want to ask you to please be patient! I’d planned on getting them in the mail tomorrow, but life got in the way! Also, I still have to read my novel one last time before it goes to press! I think I mentioned in an earlier post that my book is due January 31st!

Also, it’s a pretty busy time at my job now, so I’m going to have to spend a good part of my weekend at my day job! 🙁

Stay blessed, and I hope that you are all happy and healthy!

Cecelia Dowdy


This recipe is really good! It’s easier than most lasagna recipes because YOU DON’T PRE-COOK THE NOODLES! This makes the recipe so much easier!


One box of lasagna noodles (you might not use the whole box)
One 10-oz container of ricotta or creamed cottage cheese
One “regular”-sized container of Prego(or whatever brand you like) spaghetti sauce
1 – 1 1/2 pounds of ground beef
2 cloves of garlic
One onion
One egg
Italian seasoning
One-pound bag of shredded mozzarella cheese OR shredded mozzarella and provolone cheese mixed
Seasoned salt
Meat tenderizer

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Chop the onion and garlic in a chopping machine or by hand. Place onion and garlic into skillet with ground beef. Cook the ground beef until it’s no longer pink. Drain off excess fat. Sprinkle some seasoned salt and meat tenderizer onto ground beef. Pour spaghetti sauce onto ground beef. KEEP THE SPAGHETTI SAUCE JAR. WE’LL NEED TO USE IT LATER. Mix spaghetti sauce and ground beef together and cook in skillet until it’s hot and bubbly.

Mix one egg and Italian seasoning into cottage/ricotta cheese. Spray lasagna pan (or rectangular-shaped pan) with non-stick spray. Place one layer of UNCOOKED NOODLES into the pan. Place a layer of sauce over the noodles. Place a layer of ricotta/cottage cheese over sauce. Sprinkle mozzarella/provolone cheese over ricotta cheese. Repeat this process once. After you’ve repeated it once, the last layer will be a layer of noodles, covered with sauce, covered with shredded mozzarella/provolone cheese.

Take spaghetti sauce jar and put some water into it. (I’m not sure how much since I’ve never measured it. You might want to fill the jar half way with water). Put the lid on the jar and shake it up to mix the excess sauce with the water. Take the lid off and pour this water into the corners of the pan. YOU WILL WANT TO FILL EACH CORNER WITH WATER. You might need to get more water in order to fill each corner. Once each corner is filled with water, cover the pan with foil and place into oven and bake for 45-50 minutes. (Cooking times may vary according to your oven.) Remove foil and bake an extra five minutes so that cheese can brown. Remove from oven and let it cool before serving. The water that was added before cooking makes this dish moist, plus it cooks those hard crunchy noodles, making them soft and well done.

Of course, the ingredient list can vary. I just made this for my family last night, so I used what I had on hand. However, sometimes when I brown the ground beef, I’ll add sliced mushrooms and chopped bell peppers to the mixture.

I usually get lots of compliments when I make this recipe. It’s great with garlic bread, however, we didn’t have any on hand, so we just ate it as is! When we do eat it with garlic bread, we usually use the frozen garlic bread you get from the freezer section of the grocery store! Also, we usually eat this with a green garden salad on the side!


Cecelia Dowdy

The Winners!

The following blog readers have claimed these books:
Heaven Sent by Jillian Hart (A Love Inspired Inspirational romance) – Amanda
In High Places by Tom Morrisey (A Christian/inspirational novel that takes place in the seventies) – Tonye
Boo Humbug by Rene Gutteridge (A Christian novel) – Robin Bayne
Pink by Marilynn Griffith (A Christian romance novel) – Barb C.

There were no takers for the following novels:
The Pastor’s Woman by Jacquelin Thomas (A Kimani Sweet romance)
Married Under The Mistletoe by Linda Goodnight (A Harlequin Sweet romance)

Those two are still up for grabs for anybody who wants them!

Cecelia Dowdy

Free Books!

I’m giving away the following novels. I’ll be doing this with books I have around my house that I’ve already read, but don’t want to keep! I’m running out of room in my house and I need to get rid of these books! I VERY RARELY read books twice.

Here is the partial list. I’ll be listing more later on this week or next week. If you’re interested, just leave a comment on this blog entry about why you want the book, and let me know which book you’re interested in. Limit one per person. I’m also paying the postage to send the books to you, so they are absolutely free to you. Also, you’ll need to leave a way for me to contact you so that I can get your mailing address. Again, these books are NOT new, but used! I’ll choose from the commenters as to who gets the novels:

The Pastor’s Woman by Jacquelin Thomas (A Kimani Sweet romance)
Married Under The Mistletoe by Linda Goodnight (A Harlequin Sweet romance)
Heaven Sent by Jillian Hart (A Love Inspired Inspirational romance)
In High Places by Tom Morrisey (A Christian/inspirational novel that takes place in the seventies)
Boo Humbug by Rene Gutteridge (A Christian novel)
Pink by Marilynn Griffith (A Christian romance novel)

I’ve reviewed MOST of these books on my blog. If you’re interested in finding out more about the titles, just do a search on my blog for the title and the author.

The Rita Award!

There was a large Fed Ex box sitting outside my door when I returned home from work yesterday. It was addressed to me, so I opened it and found the pile of books to judge for the RWA’s annual RITA award contest. I’d forgotten that I’d signed up to judge this contest. A lot of the titles are inspirational. I think I have a total of eight books to read.

I’d better get started if I want to have them read by the deadline! In order to get finished in time, I’ll need to put the novels Flabbergasted, The Whitney Chronicles, and the Brandilyn Collins book aside to finish later.

Cecelia Dowdy

Inquiring Minds Want To Know…

I received the following question from Erica:

What steps should a first time writer take once they’ve completed their manuscript?

This is a very open-ended question. I can only speak from my experiences, plus, what I’ve heard other authors advise at writers’ conferences and on writers’ loops. The first thing you need to do is make sure your manuscript is the best that it can be before you submit it to an editor or agent. Do you have a critique group or partner who can look over a few chapters or the entire novel? Do you have a published author friend who can give his/her opinion? If so, take advantage of those resources to ensure your manuscript is grammatically correct and well-written.

Also, if you haven’t done so already, it would be to your benefit to join a writers organization. If this is a Christian fiction novel, the best organization out there for Christian fiction novelists is American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). ACFW also has some local chapters so you may be able to take advantage of meeting others in your area that share your writing interests. Also, by joining this organization, you may be able to find a critique group or partner who may help you polish your manuscript.

However, if you feel your manuscript is fully polished and ready to submit to publishers, then you need to determine where you’d like to submit your manuscript. The first thing you need to do is check out the submission guidelines for the major publishing houses. Does your manuscript fit the wordcount of any of the publishers? Also, would your story suit the publishers’ needs. For example, you wouldn’t submit a romance novel to a publisher that only publishes fantasy or mysteries. Before you submit to a publisher, be sure to read several books that that publisher has released so that you can get a feel for the tone and type of stories they may be looking for.

You can also glean lots of advice by attending writers conferences. There are several Christian writers conferences all over the US. However, the best one for fiction is ACFW’s annual conference.

Also, the Christian fiction market is getting extremely competitive. More and more publishing houses are not even looking at submissions unless you have a literary agent. So, depending on the house you want to target, you may want to search for a literary agent. I don’t have an agent right now. I’ve been searching for one off and on for about a year, and the process can be a long and daunting one, however, it may be a necessary step in order to pursue publication. The books that I’ve sold so far, I’ve done it on my own, without having an agent. However, I want to write bigger women’s fiction books. In order to submit to the houses that may want these bigger, more complex stories, I’ll need to have a literary agent.

Another option that some authors pursue is self-publication. I am not a self-published author, so this is not something I can give extensive advice about. However, if you want to pursue this route, the only basic advice I can give is to pursue self-publication after you’ve exhausted all other options. If you’ve had your manuscript professionally edited, and somebody reputable has already confirmed you have an excellently-written project, and you’ve been rejected by all publishers and agents who you thought may like your project, then you may pursue self-publication? (Again, remember, I have no experience with this.) Also, keep in mind that self-publication will require that you use your own funds for publishing your story, and that your marketing efforts will need to be more aggressive and intense since self-pubbed titles aren’t usually included in bookstores unless the author solicits to the bookstore to carry their title.

You might also start another project while you’re shopping your manuscript around. Don’t just stop with one story…write other stories! When you do submit your manuscript around, let the publisher/editor/agent know that you’re currently working on another manuscript. This way, they’ll know that you have more than one book inside of you.

I invite questions and comments about the advice I’ve given.

Cecelia Dowdy

Book Clubs

No, I’m not talking about a group of women getting together and discussing a book. I’m talking about getting a shipment of books from a publisher in the mail every so often since you’ve agreed to purchase the novels.

A weird thing happened to me over the past week. I received a free book from Love Inspired, with paperwork to entice me to rejoin the book club. I used to be a member around the time my novel was to be released.

Then, a couple of days later, I received an snail mail advertisement from Barbour, wanting me to join the Heartsong Presents book club.

Then, the next day, I received another snail mail advertisement from Barbour, wanting me to join the new Mystery book club that just started recently. I blogged about this book club a few days ago.

Well, to top it all off, the day before I received the advertisement from Barbour for their Heartsong Presents book club, I joined both the Heartsong and Mystery book clubs online.

The timing of it all was just weird! I joined both HP and Mystery book clubs on Sunday night, receive snail mailed advertisement to join HP on Monday, and then I received snail mail advertisement to join the mystery book club on Tuesday!

There’s just so many good books out there, and I wish I had time to read them all. Right now, I’m reading a Brandilyn Collins book, and I’m also reading The Whitney Chronicles.


Cecelia Dowdy