Free Books!

I’m giving away the following novels. I’ll be doing this with books I have around my house that I’ve already read, but don’t want to keep! I’m running out of room in my house and I need to get rid of these books! I VERY RARELY read books twice.

Here is the partial list. I’ll be listing more later on this week or next week. If you’re interested, just leave a comment on this blog entry about why you want the book, and let me know which book you’re interested in. Limit one per person. I’m also paying the postage to send the books to you, so they are absolutely free to you. Also, you’ll need to leave a way for me to contact you so that I can get your mailing address. Again, these books are NOT new, but used! I’ll choose from the commenters as to who gets the novels:

The Pastor’s Woman by Jacquelin Thomas (A Kimani Sweet romance)
Married Under The Mistletoe by Linda Goodnight (A Harlequin Sweet romance)
Heaven Sent by Jillian Hart (A Love Inspired Inspirational romance)
In High Places by Tom Morrisey (A Christian/inspirational novel that takes place in the seventies)
Boo Humbug by Rene Gutteridge (A Christian novel)
Pink by Marilynn Griffith (A Christian romance novel)

I’ve reviewed MOST of these books on my blog. If you’re interested in finding out more about the titles, just do a search on my blog for the title and the author.

13 thoughts on “Free Books!

  1. Robin Bayne

    I’d like to read “Boo Humbug” –I was supposed to get it for review on my blog but the publisher had my address wrong.

    Some guy in NY emailed me he’d been getting my review books. LOL

  2. BarbC

    I would love to have PINK… after all I am a PINK girl.. it is my absolute favorite color, so how could I not love a book with that title! LOL! Barb C

  3. Janna

    Oh, I just finished “Boo” by Renee Gutteridge and it was wonderful but I don’t have “Boo Humbug” yet and so I would love that one!

  4. Hannah

    i would love to win Heaven Sent. I’m collecting that series and haven’t been able to find that one yet. I love that series! Its been so encouraging to me!



  5. Anonymous

    I would love to have “In High Places”. It sounds interesting and I love to read Christian fiction. I’m always in the process of reading something and I’d like to add this to my to be read list.


  6. Cherie J

    Ooh! Would love to win a copy of Boo Humbug. It is on my wishlist. I really wanted to get this during the holidays but with two kids under 5 I have not had enough extra cash to purchase it.Please enter me in the drawing for this one.


  7. TK

    Thank you for doing this, it is most appreciated. What a wonderful idea. When you are a blessing to other people, I find that God blesses you again in return. My prayer is to be blessed so that I could bless others. I am a minister’s wife and pray one day to be ready and found usable for God to have the privilege to be a pastor’s wife. It is a great responsibility and I will have to have a relationship with God to be able to do it the way He wants me to. So I am interested in “The Pastor’s Woman”. My email is vcw1476 at gmail dot com. Thank you.


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