Long Trail To Love by Pamela Griffin

Long Trail To Love by Pamela Griffin
Publisher: Barbour Publishing (Heartsong Presents)

ISBN: 9781597896177

Binding: Mass Market

Pages: 176 pages

From the Heartsong Presents website:
Carly loses her faithless boyfriend, her job, and the respect of people in town, all in one crazy moment. Nothing, it seems, will ever be right again. In an effort to get away, she joins some friends in a month-long hike up the Long Trail from Vermont into Canada. Looking for peace in a world suddenly gone awry, Nate joins the hike at the last minute. Fresh from a breakup of his own, he has no intention of starting a new relationship, so why can’t he keep his mind off the prickly woman in front of him? As their relationship blossoms, obstacles arise, and it seems life will just repeat itself. Can Nate deal responsibly with the decisions he knows he must make? Will Carly stop running long enough to let love catch her?

This is a nice, light, fun read that shows how we really need to keep faith in the Lord when things go awry. Carly is not a Christian, which is the main conflict which keeps these two lovebirds apart. Nate is drawn to her, but knows they can’t be together since it’s a sin to be unequally yoked. Also, the obstacles and problems that a few of the secondary characters face also make the story interesting. The author did a good job of describing the scenery on this trail, and I longed to go there myself to get back in touch with nature! I’d recommend this book if you’re looking for a refreshing, God-inspiring read!

Cecelia Dowdy

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