
I had a fairly hard day at work today, then when I got home, I had to cook dinner. I did take a few moments to finish reading Long Trail To Love by Pamela Griffin. I’ll be blogging about that book soon.

Check out the following review of my novel, First Mates, that was recently posted on Amazon.com:

The Epitome of a Biblical Love Connection, December 20, 2007
By Nedra Smith

Cecelia Dowdy’s FIRST MATES is a lovingly written I Corinthians 13 type of love story that never stoops to baser levels to show the realistic affection and connection that Rainy and Winston have.

I enjoyed watching them connect on the cruise, disconnect more than once, and reconnect, over things that really DO make a difference if a relationship is to be both faith-based and lasting.

The characters were real. Winston told the truth about part of his past but Rainy has to learn another part of it, a part that she thinks is important, later and through Dowdy’s wonderful character, Aunt Gladys.

This was more than a love story. Everyone grew in believable ways, not just in ways that would make for a happy ending. Even the minor characters grew in some small way either because of Winston and Rainy’s direct example or because of learning from their own mistakes.

Also, the book wasn’t preachy, but quite fun. Remember, it starts on a cruise so there’s lots of eating. FIRST MATES made me hungry both for food and for what would happen to the couple next.

Throughout the story, we’re aware that God is in control. That’s all that matters.

Also, last night I stayed up and watched a movie entitled Meet Joe Black. It’s a secular movie, however, I just loved the chemistry between the two characters! I saw it on the Sci-fi channel. I stayed up until midnight watching a movie! Do you know how seldom I stay up that late? Let alone stay up that late to watch a movie??? Hardly ever happens!


Cecelia Dowdy

2 thoughts on “Tired

  1. Myles

    Meet Joe Black is a surprise like for me as well, I’m usually not into that sort of drama. I have not indulged in much christian fiction, aside from the Watchtowers [I don’t mean that meanly] my mother gets (she likes having tea with the Witness ladies). The last religious themed books I’ve read was Karen Armstrong’s A History of God, somewhat controversial but affirming, and the Tao of Pooh.

    Anyway, I was just cruising through the blogs and I’ve been reading all the english ones I come across ones that are from real people, I thought I should leave a comment. Have a good year!


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