Daily Archives: March 30, 2008

Shop Until You Drop! Free Books!

I’m giving away another round of books, however, I’m doing it a little bit different this time. I’d like for everybody to leave a comment with their opinion about shopping! I sometimes feel as if I’m one of the few women on this planet that absolutely HATES shopping! Unless I’m shopping for something fun, like books, I can’t stand going into a shopping mall or a clothing store. Really! I only shop when totally necessary and when I do, I DO NOT make it an all-day event.

How do you blog readers feel about shopping? Do you like it? Hate it? Feel indifferent? If you like it, why do you like it? What kinds of items do you enjoy buying when you shop?

If you hate it, why do you hate it? I hate it because I just don’t enjoy myself while I’m out shopping. I feel like there’s so many other things I’d rather be doing, like sitting at home and reading a book, or reading my emails, doing research on the internet, blogging, meeting an editorial deadline….anything is better than shopping! Plus, during the winter, when I go into the mall, I always get hot after walking around for awhile wearing a heavy coat. Then my arms get tired carrying those bags…I can’t stand shopping. Unless it’s for books, when I’m out shopping, all I want to do is go back home!!!

The books I’m giving away this time around are listed in the next paragraph. If interested, simply leave a comment with your opinion about shopping and a way for me to contact you so that I can let you know if you’ve won. Also, note which book you’d be interested in winning. If you’re NOT interested in winning one of these books, but still want to leave a comment with your opinion about shopping, then feel free to do so, just note on your comment that you’re not interested in entering to winning the novels. I’ve reviewed most of these novels on my blog. Simply search this blog for the book title to see my opinions about the novels.

Here’s the list:
The Pied Piper’s Bride by Myrna Mackenzie – A Silhouette Sweet Romance (please note that this is not an inspirational title.)

The Healing Place by Leigh Bale – A Love Inspired Inspirational Romance

Long Trail To Love by Pamela Griffin – A Barbour Heartsong Presents Title

by Creston Mapes – Christian Fiction Title

Web Of Lies by Brandilyn Collins – A Title From The Suspenseful HIDDEN FACES SERIES

Promises, Promises by Amber Miller – A Barbour Heartsong Presents Title

Sticks And Stones by Susan Meissner – A Rachael Flynn Mystery

A Touch Of Grace by Linda Goodnight – A Love Inspired Inspirational Romance – part of the BROTHERS BOND series

~Cecelia Dowdy~