Shop Until You Drop! Free Books!

I’m giving away another round of books, however, I’m doing it a little bit different this time. I’d like for everybody to leave a comment with their opinion about shopping! I sometimes feel as if I’m one of the few women on this planet that absolutely HATES shopping! Unless I’m shopping for something fun, like books, I can’t stand going into a shopping mall or a clothing store. Really! I only shop when totally necessary and when I do, I DO NOT make it an all-day event.

How do you blog readers feel about shopping? Do you like it? Hate it? Feel indifferent? If you like it, why do you like it? What kinds of items do you enjoy buying when you shop?

If you hate it, why do you hate it? I hate it because I just don’t enjoy myself while I’m out shopping. I feel like there’s so many other things I’d rather be doing, like sitting at home and reading a book, or reading my emails, doing research on the internet, blogging, meeting an editorial deadline….anything is better than shopping! Plus, during the winter, when I go into the mall, I always get hot after walking around for awhile wearing a heavy coat. Then my arms get tired carrying those bags…I can’t stand shopping. Unless it’s for books, when I’m out shopping, all I want to do is go back home!!!

The books I’m giving away this time around are listed in the next paragraph. If interested, simply leave a comment with your opinion about shopping and a way for me to contact you so that I can let you know if you’ve won. Also, note which book you’d be interested in winning. If you’re NOT interested in winning one of these books, but still want to leave a comment with your opinion about shopping, then feel free to do so, just note on your comment that you’re not interested in entering to winning the novels. I’ve reviewed most of these novels on my blog. Simply search this blog for the book title to see my opinions about the novels.

Here’s the list:
The Pied Piper’s Bride by Myrna Mackenzie – A Silhouette Sweet Romance (please note that this is not an inspirational title.)

The Healing Place by Leigh Bale – A Love Inspired Inspirational Romance

Long Trail To Love by Pamela Griffin – A Barbour Heartsong Presents Title

by Creston Mapes – Christian Fiction Title

Web Of Lies by Brandilyn Collins – A Title From The Suspenseful HIDDEN FACES SERIES

Promises, Promises by Amber Miller – A Barbour Heartsong Presents Title

Sticks And Stones by Susan Meissner – A Rachael Flynn Mystery

A Touch Of Grace by Linda Goodnight – A Love Inspired Inspirational Romance – part of the BROTHERS BOND series

~Cecelia Dowdy~

24 thoughts on “Shop Until You Drop! Free Books!

  1. Robin Bayne

    Hi Cecelia! Just stopping by to say hello–no particular book request!
    I used to love shopping, loved fashion, spent tons trying to keep up with the current trends, etc.

    But now as a writer, I have less time for that and would rather do it online and not fight the crowds. As a Christian, I also think I am less materialistic than I was as a kid.

    Happy Sunday!

  2. Vader's Mom

    Very nice to meet a fellow non-shopper! My husband is the shopper in our family. I go out on “missions.” I need a pair of black shoes, this size, this heel type, no bow. My list is so detailed I could send Jeff and he’d come back with what I want. I hate roaming the mall or store. I think on-line shopping is the way to go for me!!

    You have a wonderful list of books and I can’t remember the titles, but I remember the authors… I would love to win either the Brandilyn Collins or Amber Miller titles.

    Thank you so much!!

    vadersmomma at gmail dot com

  3. Susan

    What a fun topic! I used to LOVE to shop. . . before a teenaged daughter! Now I absolutely hate going and especially with her. She can look at something, call it totally ugly in one store, go to the next store and buy basically the same piece of clothing!!! Or she might go with a girlfriend and come home with the same item later on! I am thrilled that now she has her license and can go without me!!!

    I love any good Christian book, especially when they’re free! Sign me up!


  4. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Robin! Thanks for posting! I failed to mention in my blog entry that the last time I truly enjoyed shopping was when I was in high school! I was so bored back then since I didn’t work much in high school that I had a lot of free time! A trip to the mall was a treat! After I graduated from college, I didn’t hate shopping as much as I do now, but I still didn’t care for it. I purchased most of my clothing from catalogs. But, like yourself, I developed a deeper “dissatisfaction”, if you want to call it that, with shopping after I started writing. I didn’t have time to shop! I was trying to pen the next great American novel! πŸ™‚

  5. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Stacy! Thanks for commenting! Like yourself, when I shop, I’m out on a mission! I usually swoop into the store, scan the racks since I’m looking for a particular item, like dress pants, dress shirt, summer sweater, etc. I’ll sometimes corner the sales associate and say, “Do you have XYZ item in XYZ size?” I hurry through, rush into the dressing room, and try the items on. I usually leave hubby at home with our son! I can travel through the store much quicker when I’m alone!

  6. Tiff (Amber Miller) Stockton

    Hey Cec, I don’t need to be entered in the drawing…especially since on of the books you’re giving away is my own. LOL!

    However, it’s great to meet another non-shopper. The problem in our family is the neither my husband nor I like to shop. We both go on “missions” like you, Stacy. Sometimes, it pays off for us, but at other times, we spend more than we should because we just want to get done and get out of there.

    We helped our home group leaders move yesterday and learned that the husband loves to shop and is great at finding bargains. So, we agreed that when we get our house and need materials or other great little finds, we’re going to send Seth out for us. πŸ™‚ Sounds like a great plan to me!

    Good luck with the giveaway drawing.

    And if anyone wants my book but doesn’t win it here, stay tuned to my site for a BIG blog tour coming in late May and the month of June where I’ll have giveaways on almost every blog I visit. Lots of chances to win. I’ll also be starting a monthly giveaway once book 2 releases in July.

    Toodles for now!

  7. tetewa

    I also hate shopping! It always seems that when I have money to shop I can’t find anything and when I don’t have money that’s when I find all kind of things that I want. I also can’t stand waiting in lines. I have a weeding to go to this weekend so I have to go shopping this week for something to wear, wish me luck!

  8. Carole

    I’m glad I discovered your blog, Cecelia!

    It always seemed like my mother was a “professional” shopper when I was growing up, and my favorite thing was to go with her, especially on the day after Thanksgiving. Now my own children are grown and mainly need money or gift certificates, so I do most of my shopping online.

    And I’m like you – I hate to get out and shop now. I think it’s a combination of the price of gas, time involved, and not being able to find exactly what I want.

    In your giveaway, I would love to win a copy of Nobody by Creston Mapes. Thank you for the opportunity!

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  9. Carolynn W.

    Hi Cecelia!
    All of the books look great!
    I’m with you on this one, I also hate shopping! When I do shop, I just want to go into the store get what I need and then get back out! The rest of my family however, spend hours upon hours browsing and never buying anything!!! It drives me nuts:)

  10. Rhonda Clark

    I’m not big on shopping–unless I have money to spend. If that’s the case, I can always find something to buy. If I don’t have money, but I need something, shopping is more of a loathesome chore.

    Guess I’m a middle of the road shopper. πŸ™‚

  11. David

    My wife sounds a lot like you. She only shops when necessary. I don’t mind going, because it’s a way to spend time with my wife. However, both of us really don’t “shop” we “buy”, that is we go to get a specific item (or items) and leave. The one exception is bookstores. I can’t get enough of them, although I rarely buy anything, but I do love to browse through the titles.

    If you wish to send me a free book I’m interested in Sticks And Stones. I’m a mystery writer, so this has special interest for me. I’ve already read Web of Lies. You can contact me at

    David Brollier
    author of THE 3RD COVENANT
    co-founder of CFRB

  12. Ausjenny

    I am interested in any of the Love inspired or Lovesong presents.

    I too am not a shopping lover. I enjoy grocery shopping (cos it gets me out and i like getting sales)
    but when it comes to just shopping like going to the city. If i need things then shopping is ok but i cant just shop for the sake of shopping or even just window shopping.

    I think it comes from being a country gal. When you go to the city I often had limited time so i knew what i wanted and where to go. my friends would brouse and i would get annoyed. finaly i would say i will meet you back here in an hour and do a fair slab of my shopping.
    I was in the city after christmas a year of so back and they have huge after christmas sales and i was at the Cricket (A big international match)

  13. luv2read

    Amen to hate shopping. The only store I can spend hours in is of course a book one. I dislike shopping for clothes so much that my husband cheers when I go by myself some. The sad part about it is I have four little girls I have to shop for also. It gets somewhat overwhelming. It makes me so thankful I have a fictional world I can go to and hide.

  14. Bunny B

    I have my moods for shopping. My love for shopping is usually during the SALES time! πŸ™‚ Other than that, I wouldn’t bother stepping into a store. And I don’t like window shopping.

    I’d love to read The Pied Piper’s Bride by Myrna Mackenzie. Thanks!

  15. Anonymous

    Hi Cecelia, What a fun topic to write about. I love to shop especially when I have the time and the money and am a good weight size. Right now I need to lose weight so no fun to shop. I love to look for books, wander around Christian book and gift shops as well as clothing stores and kitchen knick knack shops.

    Please enter me n the drawing. I’d love to win a copy of Sticks and Stones by Susan Meisner. That or Brandilyn Collins book.

    ladijo40 (at) aol (dot) com

  16. CherryBlossomMJ

    I’ve hated shopping for as long as I can remember. For clothing: I’m an in between size, most clothes in the misses section are too small if not barely fit and then the woman’s section are mostly too big. Nothing ever fits, so I dread clothes shopping. I’m not an accessory kind of person, so I don’t buy other things. I do enjoy shopping for books, but that’s just because I love books! Other than that, I avoid crazy over populized places such as malls and such.


    cherryblossommj (at) gmail [dot]com

  17. Susan Stitch

    Cecelia, I’m with you — I hate shopping! At Target or the grocery store I have a list (by aisle…I’m a little obsessive) and I get just what I need and get out of there. I especially hate clothes shopping. There is nothing like trying on jeans or swim suits to make you feel like a freak of nature!

    I’d be interested in Web of Lies or Sticks and Stones. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Karin

    I like shopping online–not so much in regular stores anymore. Although I do like garage sales! You never know what kind of item you’ll find that you didn’t know you needed!!

    I’d like to enter for “Sticks and Stones”. Thank you!

  19. ChristyJan

    I enjoy shopping as long as I am not shopping for anything specific. I guess I’m more of a “window shopper” and then if I see a great deal or something I really like it’s so much more fun.

    I haven’t read any of the book you have listed except for Nobody by Creston Mapes ~ so, I’d be thrilled to win anything else.

  20. sleepless

    I have a love hate relationship with shopping. I do like to shop, but I’m a larger (but decently tall) woman so I truly dislike the limitations the fashion industry places on me πŸ˜› So I suppose things that I love shopping for include things that always fit — shoes, purses, books! Items like swimsuits I’d rather never have to shop for! I also like online shopping since I’m a night owl!

    I’d love to drop my name into the pot for some free book-age πŸ™‚ Long Trail to Love or Sticks and Stones sound good πŸ™‚ But I honestly love Christian fiction so much, I’d read any of them! ashleynicolereynolds AT gmail DOT com


  21. trozzort

    HI Cecelia,

    I hate shopping alone, but enjoy it with a friend, sibling or husband…except when I’m book shopping! I love to take my time and just browse. Since having my daughter though, those times have become escapes. πŸ™‚ Shopping these days usually just consists of groceries. And I always have to have a list, or else I forget things or get more than I need. LOL

    If the contest is still open, I’d be interested in Sticks And Stones by Susan Meissner or the Brandilyn Collins book.



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