Christian Speculative Fiction

I wanted to make a correction to one of my previous blog posts. I referred to Eric Wilson’s novels as a Christian vampire series. Here’s what Eric said about his novels:
My novels are not “Christian vampire” stories. They are stories from a biblical worldview that deal with the evil nature of vampires and their counterfeit method of finding life in blood (as opposed to our finding life through the blood of Jesus).

I wish more would give the series a chance, because such concepts are widely explored in the mainstream market. As Christians, we too often surrender the battle instead of dealing with the issues head-on.

I believe our discussion of vampires and creatures of the night would fall into the Christian Speculative Fiction category? Novel Journey recently posted about Speculative Fiction in the Christian market. If interested in this topic, then you should read this post.

I think I’m done with this subject for now. Soon, I’ll be posting a review for The List, a novel by Sherri Lewis.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

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