Daily Archives: April 11, 2009


Me, my hubby, and our three and a half year old son went to the church Easter egg hunt in the pouring rain today! When we arrived at the church, I said, “Honey, do you really want to do this? Wouldn’t you rather go home?”
My son said, “No, Mommy. I want to hunt for Easter eggs.”
So off we went with the rest of the crowd to get eggs. For the little kids, under five, the eggs were spread out in a field.

Hubby carried the umbrella and CJ (our son) walked around the lot and collected the plastic eggs.

I forgot to bring a basket, so we had to place the plastic eggs in my purse.

Afterwards, everybody met up at the church so that the kids could open their eggs. They were filled with candy. I said to hubby, “Wouldn’t it have been easier to just buy him some candy and skip this egg hunt? That way, we would not have been standing in the rain for the last half hour!”

When we got home, I boiled some eggs and my son helped to dye them using food coloring, vinegar and water!

It’s been a busy day!

Happy Easter! I hope all of you have a blessed holiday! Remember Jesus’s sacrifice for our sins!

~Cecelia Dowdy~