Another Review For John’s Quest!

Here’s another positive review for John’s Quest on Amazon.
“John’s Quest” was a little away from the genres I usually read. It is a cozy Christian romance novel that teaches us about the powerful Love of Jesus. That is near and dear to my heart.

Monica Crawford is an independent woman who lives her life for the Lord. Because of her sister having a serious addiction to drugs, Monica is forced to take in her nephew, Scotty. He is blind which offers many challenges, plus his mother, Gina, has never taught manners and values to Scotty. Monica, with her Faith, begins to give Scotty the Foundation he can walk in, but the sister suddenly wants him back. What should she do? Scotty is better of with Monica, but Gina is the mother? Will Gina forsake drugs and find a cleansed path with the Lord?

John is a scientific man whose parents were agnostic until shortly before they died in a car accident. Angry with God, it is difficult when he meets Monica and falls for her. Her rules dictate that she will not yoke herself to man that doesn’t Believe. Will John make an attempt to find the Lord or will Monica be heartbroken at another decision he might make?

This is a short read and I know Harlequin romance readers would enjoy this book.

Thank-you Cecelia Dowdy for the privilege of reading your book. May God bless richly bless you.

Also, I’ve read some great books that I want to review on this blog. A couple of Christian Fiction titles as well as one secular title I read a few weeks ago by Sandra Brown (She used to be one of my favorites back when I read more secular fiction.) I also have a question I received from a writer seeking publication. I’ll be posting about all of this soon. I’ve been busy trying to finish and polish up my work-in-progress to submit to a publisher. Doing that has taken up a lot of my time and I’m tired.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

3 thoughts on “Another Review For John’s Quest!

  1. B.G. Sanford

    Excellent reviews and comments. I like your work and your blog. With your permission, I’d like to take a moment and shamelessly promote my new book, “Beth: Love Along The Way…by B.G.Sanford,” and just released by Eloquent Books. It’s a beautiful romance, however tragic. A love affair that presents itself to Beth during some of the darkest times of her life. She struggles with what to do, yet knowing fully, what would be morally right. Due to the very substance of this book, it certainly can’t be considered “lightweight” by any stretch of the imagination. I hope you have the opportunity to read it as it’s an entertaining story you won’t soon forget.
    All my best to you,


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