Bittersweet Memories Is Here! Enter To Win!

I received my author copies for Bittersweet Memories today!

I’m giving away five copies! Leave a comment if interested in winning! Leave your email address so that I’ll have a way to contact you if you win – ONLY CONTINENTAL US MAY ENTER TO WIN! Sorry, I can’t afford foreign postage! 🙂

~Cecelia Dowdy~

37 thoughts on “Bittersweet Memories Is Here! Enter To Win!

  1. sherrinda

    Congratulations!!! How exciting to get all your hard work in print and into your hands! It is a dream of mine that I hope to see come true someday.

    I’d love a chance to read your book!

  2. Pat Iacuzzi

    Hi Cecelia–

    Love: your blogspot banner (anything with fall leaves, a cup of tea and a good book means a little bit of heaven to me:) Enjoyed your blog about Amish stories…and would love to be in the drawing for Bittersweet Memories. Blessings on your writing efforts–Pat I.

  3. Pat Iacuzzi

    Hi Cecelia–

    Love your blog banner…anything with fall leaves, a cup of tea and a good book is like a tiny bit of heaven to me :)Also enjoyed your blog on Amish stories, and would love to read Bittersweet Memories!
    Blessings on your writing efforts– Pat I.

  4. Jo

    Hi Cecilia,

    Congratulations! Wonderful that you have another book out. Please enter me in contest.


  5. Abi

    Congrats to you! I love the Heart song book line. I’d love to be in the drawing. Thanks.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  6. mez

    Beautiful cover! Congratulations on your new book coming out. Please add me for the drawing. Thanks!

  7. Rose McCauley

    Yes, it is a lovely cover, and I’m sure I will enjoy the book as I have all of your books I’ve read, so please enter me in the drawing. rose
    crmcc at setel dot com

  8. Anonymous

    Please enter me in your drawing. Congratulations on your new book !
    LYNFF2000 (at) yahoo (dot) com

    Faye in Tennessee

  9. logan135

    Cecelia: You are a real inspiration. I also wrote a book about a year ago and had given up ever having it published. I can’t wait to read some of your books!!

  10. Barbara

    Cecelia, John’s Quest was wonderful, and so is Milk and Honey, so this one has to be good!! Do put me on the list. I’d love to read this one, too.

  11. Jodi

    Sincere CONGRATULATIONS! I think it’s wonderful and I’m so happy for you…again! I would love a chance to win one of your books. Thanks so much for offering!

    JodiMof3 at hotmail dot com

    All the best to you! 🙂

  12. Ronald Robertson

    Congratulations!! I am very proud that a friend that I have known from the University of Maryland College Park is doing so well! I want to win a copy as well. Keep up the good work.

  13. blackberrycottage

    I am not sure a New Zealander would qualify for your competition but I thought I would try anyway. I have just thoroughly enjoed reading your post about Amish Fiction. I’m another one who s drawn to it and things Amish!
    I have never read any of your books as I am not sure I have ever seen any in New Zealand. But may the Lord bless you in your writing, you are obviously very popular judging by all the wonderful comments.

    blessings Sandra
    in New Zealand

  14. Edna

    I would love one of your books also, but you already have 35 comments, don’t think everyone can be a winner, but just maybe it will be me.



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