Chesapeake Weddings – Book Coming Next Year!

I received an email from one of the Barbour editors with the release date of my re-released Heartsongs. Chesapeake Weddings will be released in April 2010! Chesapeake Weddings will contain the following re-released Contemporary Heartsong titles:

794 – John’s Quest by Cecelia Dowdy
826 – Milk Money by Cecelia Dowdy
846 – Bittersweet Memories by Cecelia Dowdy

They are starting to work on book covers, and they MAY have the final cover in a couple of months. This re-pack will be available in bookstores and on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

3 thoughts on “Chesapeake Weddings – Book Coming Next Year!

  1. Wendy

    Wow! Congrats! So they release them to the book club first, and then out as a regular book in the stores a year later?

  2. Kandy Kane

    What a beautiful river! Makes me want to take off my socks and shoes and dunk my feet into the water! I’m sure it’s exciting to have a book coming out next year. I’m sure it’ll be a big one since it’s a three-in-one collection!


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