Great Amazon Review For Milk Money!

Here’s another great four-star review on Amazon for Milk Money:
The Man . . . The Milk . . . Where’s The Money?, April 8, 2009
By Tavares S. Carney “Inspire, Motivate & Encourage” (Michigan) –
Author, Cecelia Dowdy’s novel, Milk Money, invites readers into the world of Emily Cooper, a twenty-something young woman who has not seen much outside the small town of Monkton. Reared on her family’s farm, farming is basically all Emily knows and is familiar with, besides being an active member of her local church congregation, of course. With the recent passing of her father, Emily must quickly learn that there’s more going on around her than her eyes can physically see.

An intriguing romance burgeons when Franklin Reese, initially an uninvited Certified Public Accountant, enters into Emily’s world to assess the Cooper farms’ worth. In spite of the reason for Franklin’s presence, it is through Emily and Frank’s close interactions they realize an attraction for one another. However, because of things past, the two find themselves apprehensive of taking their relationship to the next level. The two main characters, Emily and Franklin, are faced with issues of death, gambling, alcoholism and spirituality in this novel.

I liked the fact that the author held me in suspense of Laura’s, Emily’s stepmother’s, motives as far as finances and living arrangements were concerned. Ms. Dowdy did not give away too much too soon. The imagery throughout the novel was great. I actually felt like I’ve visited a town like Monkton before. I was able to imagine a rural, farm town not too far from the hustle and bustle of a big city where there is open land and greenery abound. The title is very fitting of this novel and readers that aren’t already aware of the importance of paying attention to detail when it comes to finances will definitely be enlightened after reading this selection. I was also pleased with the way the novel ended and was glad to see all work out for both Emily and Franklin’s good. This was a relatively, short easy read and I would consider reading future novels from this author.

Thanks for the great review, Tavares!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

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