Time Magazine Article About Amish Christian Fiction

Funny how I blogged about Amish Fiction Selling In The Christian Market a few weeks ago. Well, on page 52 of Time Magazine in the April 27, 2009 issue they’ve featured the following article: Amish Romance Novels: No Bonnet Rippers

The authors mentioned in the article were included in my own Amish research. They interviewed author Beverly Lewis, and she basically said the same things mentioned on my blog post.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

4 thoughts on “Time Magazine Article About Amish Christian Fiction

  1. Glynda Lomax

    What an absolutely stunning blog site! I have great respect for the Amish people, I wrote a (newspaper) column about them last year. By the way, has anyone else read The Guardian of Heaven series? (www.GuardianofHeaven.com) EXCELLENT series about the two final witnesses and events leading up to the end times – it will move you, make you laugh, cry and everything in between – and keep you up late at night turning the pages because you can’t stop reading! Glynda Lomax http://www.aboutlifecolumn.com

  2. Kandy Kane

    Interesting article. Thanks for sharing. I didn’t realize you could read Time magazine online for free. Thought it was ironic that you blogged about this topic a few weeks before this article was published in Time magazine.


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