Amish Fiction Author Featured On Nightline

If you recall, I blogged about the appeal of Amish fiction in the Christian market a couple of months ago.

Amish Fiction author Cindy Woodsmall was featured on Nightline last night. Here’s the link to view the show. After opening the link, simply click on WATCH: Amish Love in the right-hand sidebar.

I have Cindy’s book in my ever-increasing TBR pile!

Enjoy the show!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

2 thoughts on “Amish Fiction Author Featured On Nightline

  1. Christy Janes

    Thanks for posting the link to the video….I missed watching it last night. Oh, and you won’t be sorry if you move her books to the top of your TBR pile! I flew through all 3…they were just wonderful!! :o)

  2. Linda

    I absolutely love to read about the Amish. Maybe because it brings me back to my rural upbringing and the peacefulness surrounding it. Whatever, I love the hard work put into these books to give a better insight to the Amish way of life.


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