3 thoughts on “And The Winner Is…

  1. Cecelia Dowdy

    Anonymous, I’ll be posting the next drawing on June 1 (or sometime shortly after that). When I post the next drawing, I’ll post the list of books that I’m giving away.

  2. Edna

    Oh I love coffee, black and 2 large cups every morning, I don’t want any of that flavored stuff or with all the extra calories added in, just water and coffee driped. My husband makes it for me, and it is ready when I get up. I also would love to win all those books, that would be more that I get at Christmas as my husband of 48 years don’t exchange Christmas gifts anymore. Please sweet Jesus let me win. I am being silly but I pray that I do win them and I am sure there are a lot more people wants them also. May God bless you.



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