9 thoughts on “Bittersweet Memories – A Book Review

  1. Anonymous

    I was so disappointed in this book. I usually read the books from Heartsong in one sitting, but I read this by the chapter, getting up and doing something between each. The writing is stiff, the conversation lacks life. I have never been so disappointed in a book from this company, and I’ve been a member since the HP#100’s or less if they went less. I’ve read other stiff books conversationally and in the descriptive writing, but this time, I was so disappointed I had to write.
    I have read your other books, and you know this didn’t “make the grade,” though Heartsong published it.
    If this becomes the norm for Heartsong, I’ll have to discontinue membership. I don’t believe it will, but even at these prices, I don’t want to waste my money on even one of a book of this quality. I’d rather have something I can pass on with pride, knowing it can make a difference in the life of the person who gets it. I don’t think they’d bother reading this after the first chapter.
    Your storyline is good, but the writing is terrible.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous, I’ve also been a member of Heartsong, off and on, over the years, and I have to disagree with you about the quality of this book. Back in the day, when the Heartsongs were in the 100’s, MOST of the books were bad quality. They lacked believable plots and the writing was horrific a lot of the time, which is why I cancelled back then.
    When I received something in the mail to resubscribe, I decided to give them a try again. I loved Bittersweet Memories. Out of all of Dowdy’s work, Milk Money is my favorite, John’s Quest is my least favorite.
    As an avid Christian fiction reader, I want to give you some advice: there are lots of great books being released and if you find a book that you don’t like….DON’T READ IT! Why punish yourself if you don’t like the story??? Put the book aside and move on!
    Currently, I’m reading a Christian fiction novel (not a Heartsong) and this novel has gotten rave reviews, awards, the whole nine yards. However, the book is only mildly interesting to me. I want to find out what happens, but the dialog is not keeping me entertained. My opinion of said book is not as positive as others’ opinions. With creative stuff, you need to keep in mind that your opinion isn’t the only opinion that matters. What’s the overall consensus…???

  3. Kandy Kane

    Wow, I’m not used to seeing such snarky comments on Cecelia’s blog! Anonymous #1, I, too, have to disagree with you! I’ve just read Bittersweet Memories and I really enjoyed it! I hope Barbour publishes more of Dowdy’s work! Also, her recent blog entry has a bunch of four-star reviews, so it looks like your negative opinion is out-numbered for the time being!

    Also, I agree with Anonymous #2. If you don’t like a book, and you think it’s that bad…put it away and don’t read it anymore! You said you didn’t want to pass this book on, but, maybe you should. Just because you didn’t like it, doesn’t mean that other’s will feel the same way! Before you pass it on, let the potential reader know that you didn’t care for the book, but they’re welcome to form their own opinion!

    Okay, I’m off of my soapbox now!

  4. Kandy Kane

    Oh, I forgot to mention in my last post. There is a Christian fiction author that I’ve read that I don’t really like, either. She’s a best-selling suspense author, and I’ve seen her give her stamp of approval on another suspense author’s books. People, both secular and Christian readers were recommending this Christian suspense author to me.
    I was disappointed when I read the book that had gotten so much positive publicity. I don’t want to name this author because so many people seem to like her so much, and I don’t want to discourage others from trying her novels.
    Cecelia, hopefully the comments posted by Anonymous #1 won’t discourage people from giving your books a try.

  5. Wendy

    I have to agree with anonymous #2 and Kandy Kane. Don’t read the book if you hate it so much. Also, you seemed to be outnumbered as far as if the book is good or not. Let everybody form their own opinion. If you do cancel your membership for Heartsong, I doubt Barbour will go bankrupt!
    Try another book club, why don’t cha???
    I know Love Inspired (Harlequin’s inspirational line) has a book club. I used to belong to it. I stopped…NOT because the books were bad, but because I couldn’t find the time to read them all. Soon they were stacked in my living room and I had no time to get through the pile. I might re-join one day, once my life is back on track and I have more free time to read.

  6. gahome2mom

    Hi, I always seem to have a difficult time of expressing myself online for book reviews. But I wanted to let everyone know that this book was awesome. I like the characters, the plot, and especially the praying and fellowship with God. I think there needs to be more Christian books of this type. 🙂

  7. bookloverangie1

    Anonymous #1, if you want to leave the bookclub, you can. I don’t think there’s much that C. Dowdy can do to stop you. I, too, enjoyed the novel. It’ll make a good, wholesome, faith-filled read to pass on to teenagers, too. I loved the book because although the characters had issues, they knew they needed to keep their faith in God. I thought the writing flowed nicely, and the dialog was very realistic. Hopefully, Barbour will publish more of Dowdy’s novels.

  8. Wendie

    I think that email was uncalled for, to tell you the truth. I’ve read lots of books that I hated, but only to find others loved them. I hope Anonymous #1 reads all these comments, plus your positive 4-star reviews you put on another blog post. I like your books, Cecelia, so I wouldn’t let the comments of Anonymous #1 bother me.

  9. Cecelia Dowdy

    Anonymous #1, too bad you didn’t enjoy the story. I’ve gotten tons of favorable reviews about the book and it’s being re-released as part of a 3-in-1 collection called Chesapeake Weddings in April 2010.
    I’ve been reading Heartsongs for several years now. I enjoy the stories, and am proud to now write for Barbour. There’s really not much else I can say about your comment. I’d meant to comment on this blog post sooner, but, it slipped my mind.

    Also, thanks to everybody else for their favorable comments on this blog post. You’ll find more reviews listed in future blog posts.


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