Unconventional by J.J. Hebert

Unconventional by J.J. Hebert
This book won’t be available until July 2009, but I’ve had the opportunity to read it and I thought it was a great story! Here’s the summary of the novel:
YOUNG JAMES FROST just knows, deep in his bones, that he’s a writer. He writes far into early mornings, after his wearying hours of scrubbing toilets and sweeping floors. He loves writing that much.
But it’s not only the joy of words that keeps him grinding; it’s his desire to retire the janitor’s mop. He sees being published as the key to living an improved life. James has another deep-seated conviction: that he’s not good enough. He secretly longs to be accepted. However, the conventional others in his life seem all too willing to remind him that he’s wasting his time.

Then he meets and falls in love with Leigh, the one bright spot in his endless misery of self-doubt. A quiet but resolutely religious girl, she has to fight off disapproval of her own from overly critical parents, whose insults are countered by James’s often-voiced admiration of her. Likewise, Leigh’s faith in his talents begins to build his confidence, eventually allowing her to introduce him to a different way to help himself: relying on God.

Ultimately, James’s newfound faith is sorely tested to the point of doubt when his dream to be published seems to melt into a mirage, smothered by countless rejection slips from agents and publishers. His faith is also battered by having to fight highly emotional battles and suffer fear and loss. Just when James appears hopelessly sapped by devastating events, one last door opens, and he’s rocked by an epiphany.

UNCONVENTIONAL is designed to inspire readers to reach for their dreams. Buy this book. Read it. Share it with everyone you know. You—and they—will be glad you did!
The characters in this novel had so many issues to work through and that’s what made the story so engaging to me. James Frost wants to get his Science Fiction/Fantasy novel published. He spends his free time writing a book and he works for his father’s janitorial company. He hates being a janitor. If he has to clean up after one more person, young James feels as if he’d lose his mind! He wants to be a writer!

He meets attractive Leigh online. When they meet in person, James is smitten by the pretty woman, and wonders what she sees in him. He has no money, a beat-up car, plus his teeth are decayed! Leigh does have feelings for James and while they date, her affluent parents object to their relationship. James wonders if Leigh’s parents will ever accept him.

Leigh is a Christian and her influence prompts James to go on a spiritual journey while he tries to get his novel published. James also develops a friendly relationship with an old female novelist that gives the story a unique twist.

This novel had a young adult flavor to it. I enjoyed it, and I could see teens relating to the young characters in this story. The author deals with the subjects of salvation, alcoholism, and following your dreams.

I guess one reason that I really loved this book is because the author has an alcoholic secondary character in the story. If you’ve read enough of my novels, you know that’s a subject that I repeatedly place into my own work. Also, James is a young janitor – When I was around the age of James Frost I worked as a student housekeeper during the summers while in college. It gets kind of gross cleaning up after people – especially those all-male dorms! Yuck! It definitely wasn’t a job that I enjoyed and those dormant memories came tumbling back into my mind when I read J.J. Hebert’s novel.

Here’s my quote on the back cover:
“I loved UNCONVENTIONAL, a stirring love story and spiritual journey that will surely touch your heart. You’ll remember James Frost for a long time!”

~Cecelia Dowdy~

5 thoughts on “Unconventional by J.J. Hebert

  1. Edna

    I found your new blog so maybe you are having a contest here, The interview is great and I love to read, will leave a review when I win a book.


  2. Cecelia Dowdy

    Edna, thanks for visiting my blog and for commenting. I won’t be hosting another book giveaway until June 1. However, if you check the blog posts at the beginning of May, you should be able to find my current book giveaway. You’ll need to leave a comment on the May Book Giveaway post in order to be entered into a book drawing – Unconventional isn’t part of the book drawing, though.


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