Gone To Green

Gone To Green by Judy Christie
Publisher: Abingdon Press
Pub. Date: August 01, 2009
ISBN-13: 9781426700248

I have not had a chance to read this book yet since it has not yet been released. However, I plan on reading it in the near future, and I’ll post a review once I’ve read it. Doesn’t the cover look nice! From reading about the book on the web, it sounds like a good read! I encourage you to purchase this novel and give it a try! Below is the information about the book and the author if you want to pre-order the novel. Also, you can get some free gifts on the site listed below!

Today is a special day for a fellow Christian fiction author. Judy Christie is celebrating the pre-release of her very first novel, Gone to Green! Gone to Green is the story of 36-year-old Lois Barker, a big-city reporter who ends up in small-town north Louisiana to work at a newspaper. She isn’t thrilled to be there but decides to tough it out. Get ready for the things that unfold!

I hope you’ll join me in welcoming Judy to the scene. You can do so by pre-ordering Gone to Green at Amazon today. When you do, you get several really neat gifts — including Judy’s timely lesson on goal setting and a sample of my latest novel, Bittersweet Memories — just for placing your order today. Click on over to Judy’s site and get all the great details!

While this is Judy’s first novel, she writes spiritual and Biblically based nonfiction, all aimed at helping people find meaning and enjoyment in life. She has penned Gone to Green as another way to help people rest, relax and enjoy.

I know how much it means to find new readers who are looking for quality books with a good message. I love supporting other authors, especially new authors in the Christian Fiction market! Gone to Green officially hits shelves in August, but you can be one of the first to get your copy when you visit this site and place your order today!

Have a great day, and God bless.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

4 thoughts on “Gone To Green

  1. Monica Carter

    I’ve known and worked with Judy Christie for a long time, so I’m excited about her debut novel. I’ve had a chance to read an early copy of Gone to Green, and it is an easy, fun read.

    Thanks for sharing information about it with readers.


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