Last Light by Terri Blackstock

Last Light by Terri Blackstock
Publisher: Zondervan (January 1, 2005)
ISBN-10: 0739461303
ISBN-13: 978-0739461303

After an unexplained catastrophic event in the atmosphere knocks out all electronics in the world, materialistic, well-to-do Americans are suddenly left helpless. And as they get down to the essentials of life, they learn to lean on God as they never have before. Book One in the Restoration Series.

This book was really amazing! Blackstock is one of my favorites and the last series that I read which was written by her was the Cape Refuge Series.

This book starts off with a bang! After Deni Branning and her father, Doug, exit a plane at the airport, a couple of planes fall from the sky, crashing on the runway…burning! People are getting hurt and all of the lights and telephones in the airport fail to function! Once Deni and her father get to their car, they notice it won’t start…neither will the other cars in the garage.

Soon, it becomes apparant that most electric and electronic devices no longer function! People are forced to walk home from work; once they are at home, there’s not way, or reason, for them to go to work since there are no electronic devices to run a business! Soon, stores run out of food and merchandise, there’s an unfillable demand for bicyles.

Plus, there’s a killer in the Brannings neighborhood. Things get brutal because there is little that the police and other security forces can do since they are no longer equipped to protect their citizens.

This is a scary book, suspenseful, and kind of deep. It reminds me of a suspense novel and a science fiction novel rolled into one book! It also shows how people turn savage during times of need. Doug tries to convince his family to lean on God during this crisis.

This book reminded me of a few things. Bear with me as I explain myself!

#1. This book reminded me of the Twilight Zone. Deni mentions this show at the beginning of the book. If you’ve been reading this blog long enough, you’ll realize that I’m a fan of this show. I watch the reruns when the sci-fi channel has Twilight Zone marathons on New Year’s Day and Fourth of July.

#2. This book reminded me of the classic novel, Lord Of The Flies. I guess it reminded me of this because the characters were almost stranded with little food and no means to get what they wanted. In Last Light, people turn savage and sometimes kill for food, trying to survive.

#3. Last Light reminded me of a snowstorm in my area about ten or fifteen years ago. The grocery stores were extremely low on food and a fight broke out in the grocery store over a carton of milk!

This book will make you think. After I read it, as I brushed my teeth, made dinner, or ate a piece of cheesecake, I thought about how we take things for granted day by day. We need to realize how truly blessed we are!

I highly recommend this novel. My only gripe was…


The electronics and electricity are still not working by the end of the story!! We assume it’s God who’s making the lights and electronics malfunction. However, I want to see the lights come back on!! I guess I’ll need to read the next book in the series to see what happens! This is a series of four novels, I believe.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

3 thoughts on “Last Light by Terri Blackstock

  1. Linda

    I’ve read the whole series. All three were suspenseful and intriguing, trying and difficult. You will NOT be disappointed! Teri did a superb job!

  2. Rhonda McKnight

    I’ve always been a Blackstock fan. Have read all her previous series and her Christian romances, but I couldn’t get into this book. I’ll have to go back and try again. Maybe it was me.


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