Daily Archives: October 17, 2009

Interview With Author Lauralee Bliss

I welcome Lauralee Bliss to my blog today! Sit back and read this interview and check out her latest release! I also look forward to reading her future releases through the Heartsong Presents book club!

How long have you known that you wanted to be novelist?

Since I was fourteen when I wrote creative pieces for my English teachers. They were supportive of my early endeavors, and I owe them a great deal for putting me on the path I am walking today. Never underestimate your education.

How do you come up with your storylines?

Many come from my own experiences. Some from the travels I have taken (I have been to 49 out of 50 states as well as traveling oversees, so there’s bound to be interesting tales to tell from all those adventures). And some stories just come to me as I ponder them and think of the characters and the unique situations they might find themselves in.

Do you do a lot of research when writing?
Research is very important to me. I am a stickler for historical detail. To do any less cheats the reader out of things and ways they can learn history while reading a good story. Many years back I used a variety of resources from the library, but now with the Internet, history is at your fingertips. Though I do still like to take out library material and thumb through written research material. But if you can go yourself and actually see the place you wish to research, you can bring out much more accurate and vivid detail. And have a great conversation, too, with a historian, such as I had when researching this book.

What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?

Each book is different in regards to a theme. I like to write an entertaining book that ministers to the heart. In each of my books I write a spiritual lesson that Christian readers can take away – from forgiveness, to being a servant, to finding hope and purpose in time of greatest need.

What do you want readers to know when they’ve read your books?

That God has a special plan for their lives. He is intimately acquainted with all our ways. He wants us to experience all the fullness of joy and peace He has for us, even if that way can bring trial, and times of doubt. He has a perfect plan for our lives that He wishes to fulfill, if we will allow Him. I know this because I have experienced it in my own life – allowing Him to take control and giving my desires and dreams to Him. And He is faithful.

Tell about your latest release.

Love Finds You in Bethlehem, New Hampshire is what another reader calls – a “twist” on the mail order bride story, sort of like the mail order bride meets up with My Fair Lady. In it there’s an uneducated and penniless orphan whose well meaning friend answers an ad for a bride, and the unsuspecting suitor who has no idea what to make of the woman that arrives at the train station. Even if he feels he cannot marry her, he will provide for her. But both are in for a surprise and a change of heart and attitude – thus leading to the idea of the first Bethlehem – that the most precious gifts don’t always come as they’re expected.

What’s coming next?

I have a three book contemporary romance series set in the beautiful state of Utah coming in 2010 by Heartsong Presents, Barbour Publishing. The first book, “Love’s Winding Path” is based on the biblical story of the Prodigal Son. Visit my web site to learn about my books for the holidays and for 2010.
And my blog

I’ve enjoyed having you on my blog today, Lauralee! Be sure to check out her latest book! It certainly sounds like a good, intriguing read!

~Cecelia Dowdy~